
Get addicted to Facebook

Have you already become addicted to Facebook? I definitely have, but I still find time to do other things, like write an article about it. Let’s find out what the pros and cons of a ‘Facebook addiction’ could be. I am addicted? Ask yourself: How much time do I spend on Facebook daily? This will…


Why investing in stocks requires planning

Short-term and long-term investments take many forms, and investing in the stock market has remained one of the most popular forms. Although the stock market has been under some scrutiny since the last economic downturn in the early 2000s, it remains the largest and most well-known trading platform since the inception of shareholder models in…

Home Kitchen

How to do the best kitchen renovations

A lot of decision making and creativity go into a successful kitchen remodeling project. This is because there are unlimited options one can choose from. Not making decisions or budgeting carefully can make the overall process a waste of time and resources, and this comes at a high cost. However, with the right guidance and…


What food will remove phlegm?

Phlegm is a thick mucus or gel that clogs the throat and nasal passages, usually when there is a viral or bacterial infection in the respiratory system. Your body produces phlegm when there are excessive toxins in your body. The natural reaction is to try to cough it out. However, excessive coughing can damage the…