
What is a Neopets Zafara?

Perhaps the most famous and beloved Neopet in all of Neopia is the infamous Zafara. This creature was first introduced to the Neopet kingdom Neopia in May 2000. The original concept of this Neopet was actually created by a Neopet user who goes by the in-game name of chanii1234. His design was submitted to the…

Legal Law

The Gig Is Up – Getting Those Gigs

It’s time for your musical dreams to come true: playing live on stage to masses of screaming fans… or at least a room full of people listening to your creations. Although the ultimate goal is a well-paying gig, an artist or band just starting out may need to accept a few gifts. Consider them as…

Tours Travel

My Las Vegas Review

I recently took ten days off and went to Vegas! This was my sixth trip there in the last three years. In the last 6 visits I think I’ve discovered some great places to eat, gamble and sleep. So I am posting this as my official Las Vegas review. If you have never been to…


Interesting facts about the hawthorn tree

While it may be hard to believe that a tree can be a member of the rose family, the hawthorn tree is exactly that. Considered invaluable as a hedge, this tree also has many culinary and medicinal properties. Several varieties of the hawthorn tree have been developed over the years, but the original hawthorn was…