You have to let go a lot, to unlock the next level in your life

Life can change in the blink of an eye

I would like you to reflect on the following questions and be honest with your answers. Are your plans and goals materializing as expected? Are you happy with the quality of your life? If not, what would you like to improve and why? I realize that these questions may be confronting for some, as you may not have given them much thought. But unless we take inventory of our lives, we cannot hope to move forward positively. Often, we don’t need to acquire more knowledge, more money or resources to live an extraordinary life. While these things can help, there are people with less experience who are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.

I keep coming back to the quote from Albert Einstein who said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that we used to create them.” It is an appropriate metaphor to explain why our existing reality is the result of our past thoughts and beliefs. This should not mean that we should be angry or frustrated if we are not living up to our potential. Rather, we should be curious about how to change our circumstances, no matter what we’re dealing with. It doesn’t matter what you’ve created so far. It doesn’t matter how old you are and if you think your life will never get better. You must let go of these thoughts to enter the life that awaits you.

Is this an idea you feel comfortable with? Are you willing to entertain the idea of ​​a parallel universe that has everything you need to thrive? You don’t need to know the circumstances to create this new life, but start with the intention to move on. I remember a wise mentor of mine who once said, “We spend the first half of our lives accumulating thoughts and beliefs about how life should be, and the second half letting go of these thoughts to get to the truth.” There is great wisdom contained in this message that life will take us where it is needed. While we like to believe that we are in control through free will, there are many things out of our control. This is good because life can change in the blink of an eye in a positive and unexpected way.

Life will push us in the direction we don’t choose

We must let go of the notion that life follows the same path as in the past because life doesn’t know what it will become until we enter it. It is a new canvas that we create every day and we have more power than we realize. Similarly, we should not succumb to other people’s opinions about how our life should be. Because everyone is an expert on what to do with their life, yet they are reluctant to take responsibility when it doesn’t go as planned. Therefore, make mistakes and learn from them quickly. Let go of guilt, self-pity, and excuses. Let go of anger and frustration because they hold you captive to the past. You want to be free of these emotions and move forward in a joyful way.

Does it make sense to me that where you are now is not indicative of where you could be? Are you comfortable with the idea that change can happen instantly and alter the course of your destiny? Whatever you believe about your life, put it on hold for now and keep moving toward the life you envision. Spend time daily contemplating and nurturing this imagined life and don’t worry about when and how it will come to be. The life of your dreams can start as a burst of imagination and your job is to fertilize it with the right thoughts. Doubts will appear to help you decide how much you are investing in this future. It will test your inner resolve and ask if this is something you really want. Because if it isn’t, now is the time to change it while you still can. Every day, sit in a quiet place and ask your soul what it wants.

What do you want your life to be or not be? Be very clear in the picture and don’t get attached to the details, but expose it and allow the higher intelligence to work out the details. Focus on the imaginative and creative aspects of your future life. Because lives change in an instant and if we are not prepared, life will push us in a direction that we have not chosen. We will regret not spending more time building the life we ​​want. Knowing this, I’d like you to get out your phone or journal and go back to the questions I asked you in the opening paragraph. You don’t have to answer all of them right now, but take a week or two to get clear on what you want your life to be like. If you’re not sure, sit with it for a while and if an impulse, intuition, or thought comes up, go back to your journal and update it. It is when we let go of the life we ​​had planned that the next level of our life will be revealed to us.

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