Real Estate

Dealing with a difficult landlord

You have just signed your lease with your new landlord. After which, you have realized that he or she is a bit more difficult to deal with than the previous owners. What could you do to be on good terms with him or her? Here are some points you could follow. Be a good tenant….

Home Kitchen

Different types of modern stoves

Stoves come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Modern stoves have come a long way from the time when the only method people had for cooking was to suspend food over an open flame or attempt to cook it on a flame-heated piece of stone. Once the wood stove was invented, modern stoves took off!…

Health Fitness

How to get rid of cellulite naturally

Cellulite is a problem that many women will face throughout their lives. It is a term used to describe fat deposits under the skin that externally give the skin a dimpled or orange-peel appearance. Cellulite is seen more frequently in women because the fat is organized into large chambers separated by columns of collagen fibers….

Lifestyle Fashion

La Tules – Mount Queen of Santa Fe

Born around 1800, María Gertrudis Barceló Her childhood years are still debated among historians, but her subsequent marriage to Don Manuel Antonio Sisneros on June 23, 1823 is recorded in the records of Tomé, a small town about 30 miles south of Albuquerque. Although she married Sisneros, a member of a prominent family, she kept…


Garden chemicals are toxic to our cats and dogs

The frost is gone and the gardeners are planting their vegetable gardens and flower gardens. In order to have a healthy crop of vegetables and flowers, we protect our edible foods with insecticides, pesticides and herbicides, and unfortunately these garden chemicals are considered by pet owners to be toxic to our cats and toxic to…