Arts Entertainments

How to catch sandworms in waves

Catching sandworms to use as fishing bait is fun and frustrating at the same time. It takes patience and practice to develop the skill. But a successful catch makes the effort worth it, as freshly caught live sandworms are one of the best baits to use, especially for the beginner or young angler. Now let…

Digital Marketing

The ADD Guide to Making Money Online – Click Enriched by Marc Ostrofsky Book Review

Stuffed like Grandma’s Thanksgiving turkey Make money online. Hmm, that doesn’t sound great! Easy money, right? Well, maybe it could be according to internet millionaire pioneer Marc Ostrofsky. In his book, Click enriched, Ostrofsky provides multiple money making ideas and examples of people who used them to make money online, a lot of money. In…


Confessions of a professional biker

When you think of an “engine”, what is the first image that comes to mind? To him-man? A common bully? Well, it turns out that I am an engine, so I took an online survey. And yes, the results broke my heart. Of the 100 who responded, the compound engine was uneducated, low-class, rude, and…

Lifestyle Fashion

Narcissistic pathological abuse: psychological warfare and brainwashing

Narcissistic pathological abuse Psychological warfare and brainwashing Written by Randi Fine Narcissistic Abuse Awareness and Counseling with Randi Fine Pathological narcissistic abuse is far more damaging than any of us can conceive. Do not hesitate, it is both psychological warfare and mind control. Various techniques of psychological warfare, also known as “psychic operations”, have been…


How to Find the Best Sports Batting

Best Sports Batting Are you looking for the best sports betting tips? If so, then you have come to the right place. Here I am going to give you some tips that you can use while placing your bets online or offline. Since there are many sports betting websites available on the internet today, choosing…