10 Fun Things You Can Do With A Bigger Penis

Here is a list of some of the new things you could do with a bigger penis. The list is by no means exhaustive and I’m pretty sure there are some of you out there who could reveal some more fun things to do when you get a bigger penis.

1) Dress in skinny jeans to wow the ladies. Well, the main reason why she started to enlarge the penis was not that. She wished to show off to women, so a pair of skinny jeans should further reveal the new improved bulge. Be careful when you bend over, as you might as well be running home totally embarrassed when your tight pants fell open.

2) You can show it off at public urinals. This is possibly one of the places you avoided before. Well, now you can go and whistle loudly while you relieve yourself for all to see and envy you. Be careful that some gay guy doesn’t decide to set you up with him, and once again avoid bending over for anything, especially if you’re dressed in those skinny jeans you bought.

3) Visit your local zoo and see how you compare to the other animals in the world. Please try to avoid the elephant section so you don’t have to start using those anti-depression tablets again.

4) Promote it in bars. Bars are a good place to show off because most people listen. You might add a few inches as they are reasonably used to being told fisherman stories and therefore anything you say is totally believable to them. Also remember to engage with your audience just like you did at the local zoo, they may be quite impressed and possibly even buy you drinks.

5) Use it in your pickup chat for women. “Well my name is Hung and I’d like to show you why.” Maybe, “How, my friends call me Long. I could possibly reveal more about this at my house tonight.”

6) Visit to nudist colonies and public changing rooms. Proudly walk around there as long as possible so everyone can see what a splendid specimen you have become. Pay attention again to the warnings in point 2.

7) Test how many checkers you can control. You may want to keep the tabs. This could be some pretty good information to show off at the pub. Or it may be better to keep this information private and to yourself. (It can be quite embarrassing.)

8) See if you can tie a knot. When you’re not busy, you can practice the knot you used to do in boy scouts. However, make sure you can untie the knots.

9) Use it as a coat rack. You always wanted a hook to hang your hat on, but you never managed to find one. Well, now it is no longer necessary. In addition, it is also an innovative place to hang your shower soap while you shower.

10) To avoid rolling out of bed during the night. Here you may need a little help from the famous Viagra. Take half a pill before you go to sleep and you won’t be able to get out of bed again. Take the other half of the tablet in the morning to avoid wetting your shoe.

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