Web Application Security Scanner Tools List

Web Application Security

A web application security scanner is a program that can detect threats to a web application and protect it. It can help prevent sensitive data from being exposed or a website from going offline. It can also help prevent downtime, and even more. The following tools are available to help you secure your web applications.

Grendel-Scan is a free, open source web application vulnerability scans. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh and scans web pages for security vulnerabilities. This Java-based application can be downloaded and installed on all platforms. Another passive web application security scanner is Watcher, which is an add-on for Fiddler. Before using Watcher, you will need to install Fiddler on your computer.

Another important feature in a web application security scanner is the ability to create detailed reports on vulnerabilities. The best scanners also have the capability of converting vulnerability data into a remediation plan, which can help you prioritize tasks and provide context for your efforts. Furthermore, the best ones allow you to track your results and integrate them into an IT ticketing solution.

Web Application Security Scanner Tools List

InsightAppSec is another powerful vulnerability scanner. It supports both manual pen-testing and automated scanning to identify weaknesses across an IT environment. It also includes built-in workflow tools to help you monitor your web application’s security. It has an intuitive dashboard and supports large-scale scanning. It also receives daily updates. Its comprehensive vulnerability list includes countermeasures for common security risks.

Another useful web application security scanner is Acunetix. It blends IAST and DAST scanning and claims to detect more than 7000 vulnerabilities. It also promises to identify 90% of vulnerabilities by the halfway point of a scan. It can be used for both single-page applications and code-heavy sites. It can monitor security risks across the stack and is compatible with major cloud providers.

Mozilla observatory is another great tool for checking the security of web applications. This open source tool allows site owners to validate against OWASP header security guidelines, TLS best practices, and third-party tests. The free Web Cookies Scanner is an all-in-one security tool that checks for vulnerabilities in cookies and web data. It has the ability to detect vulnerabilities in both HTTP cookies and HTML5 localStorage. Its console interface allows users to monitor scan results while other processes are running.

In addition to SAST and DAST, IAST tools use knowledge of the application flow and data flow to detect vulnerabilities. This enables the tools to avoid false-positives and work better in Agile environments than traditional DAST and SAST tools. Its recursive capabilities reduce false-positives.

Another great web application security scanner is Acunetix by Invicti. It helps small businesses secure their web applications. It detects and resolves a variety of web security issues and provides compliance reporting.

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