Type 2 diabetes and healthy eating: Top 3 ways to easily eliminate added sugar from your diet

Sugar is in almost everything! It’s very hard to pick up packaged foods and not see some kind of hidden sugar in the ingredients list. Sugar is also in foods that you would never suspect…

  • salad dressing,
  • pasta sauce,
  • tomato sauce, and
  • protein powder.

You say it; there is most likely added sugar. Not only that, sugar can be included in an ingredient list in many different ways, so finding the hidden sources can be a bit tricky and may require you to do some detective work.

To help you get started eliminating some of the top hidden sources of sugar from your diet, here are three top offenders you might not know contain sugar, and some alternatives you can use instead of these sugary foods.

1. Make your own salad dressing. Who would have thought that salad dressing would be a hidden source of sugar? This can be a big problem because you may think you are doing something good for your health by enjoying a salad, but what you put on your salad matters. Unfortunately, some salad dressings contain more than five grams of added sugar, so skip the sugar and make your own!

You can make your delicious homemade dressing with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and your favorite herbs and spices.

2. Stop eating flavored yogurt. Flavored yogurt can contain an average of 10 grams of added sugar! That’s a lot of sugar in just one small container of yogurt. For a healthier option, try enjoying unsweetened plain Greek yogurt and sweetening it yourself with fresh berries and a drizzle of raw honey.

3. Swap the juice with fruit-infused water. Juice is a notorious source of added sugar, but it’s something many people enjoy as a regular part of their diet. Instead of any sugary drink, make refreshing fruit-infused water with fresh cucumbers and raspberries, and use sparkling water for an added kick.

The bottom line; Sugar is found in almost all packaged foods, but with a few food swaps, you may be well on your way to reducing the total amount of sugar in your diet.

In addition to eliminating these foods and choosing healthier options, you’ll also want to be careful with ingredients that end in “ose,” as these are also sugars. Natural sweeteners like honey and pure maple syrup are fine, but should also be enjoyed in moderation.

Try doing these sugar swaps to eliminate hidden sources of sugar, and be aware of the ingredients in each food you eat. Taking these small but essential steps will lead to lasting changes in your diet and overall health.

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