Trump Is Unique !: Is That Good ?: 6 Examples

There are very few people who have neither a positive nor a negative opinion about President Donald Trump! It seems that about 35% of Americans strongly support this individual, and his behavior, statements, unusual actions, etc., do not seem to change, their positive and strong belief in him! Apparently, around 40% of the electorate seem, strongly, to disapprove and would vote, for almost anyone besides him! Therefore, in the end, the remaining 25%, and the number of potential voters, who do not exercise their right to vote, will be the determining factor, in the next elections. Furthermore, it is important to recognize that we elect our presidents, not by popular vote, but by whoever wins, the Electoral College! In 2016, although he lost the popular vote, by more than 3 million votes, Trump won the elections, because he was able to win narrowly, in the smaller states, which have a statistical advantage, in those calculations. Many 2016 voters cast their vote, largely based on his celebrity status and belief / perception, he was a great businessman, and would do better for them, and supported some of his promises, including the now infamous statement, Drain the swamp. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 6 examples.

1. Response to a pandemic: Most of the previous leaders relied on the expertise of their experts and advisers, especially in those areas where they were less than expert! Trump calls himself, has Stable temper, taking action (or not), during this pandemic, that went against the advice of public health experts around the world. In this case, Trump’s apparent desire to be different seemed to make an ill-health event worse.

two. Rhetoric / vitriol: Have you ever heard the kind and degree of rhetoric and vitriol, as we have, from this president? His use of these forms of divisive language has been polarizing, when we would probably be best served by an individual, prioritizing bringing people together and bringing them together, for the common good!

3. Lies: Political facts: Inspectors claim that he has told more lies and misstatements than we experience from his predecessors. Why would lying be considered a positive trait in any public leader?

Four. Blame and complain: This president seems to avoid taking any personal responsibility, and tries to transfer it, to others, resorting to blaming and complaining! Although, politically, this can be effective, for him it is not something that we should look for, in the individual, to occupy the highest position in our land.

5. Policy on people: Many believe, Trump, that he considers everything, mainly from a political perspective, and how it might affect him. He often seems, said, politics. about people and politics, when, in general, we would benefit, when the highest priority was to introduce an effective and quality policy, to serve and represent all our citizens, rather than simply their political supporters.

6. Stirring the pot !: It seems, to, skillfully, use all current concerns, etc., for your political gain. His political opponents must realize and recognize, while protests and the right to assembly are essential rights, unless they are peaceful and do not appear threatening, Trump will use them to stir the potand increase fears, prejudices and the perception of your best interests.

If you do not believe in Donald Trump and feel that he is wrong, for America, it is important to remember, you must avoid, playing – in – their – hands! Will you be a more responsible and conscientious voter?

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