The power of now, forget about “then” or “next”

Everything in this world is a trance, and usually one foolishly accepted. Some people, of course, have desirable trances that include programs of wealth, power, happy life, and the like. Many people have foolishly accepted “loser” trances that convince them there is a limit to what they can accomplish with their minds, thoughts, and actions.

Really, life is a program that we accept or do not accept and what we create for ourselves is genuinely what it is. So I can honestly say, don’t accept the bad and really and don’t lazily work on the good for yourself, no matter how much suffering there seems to be in the world.

We can do better than we do if we are doing it wrong. With that sentence, I begin this section of the article. I can honestly say that the most genuine evil is the fault of laziness, and cultivating genuine good requires hard work in every sense of the word “work.” For example: The worst evil in life is decadence for not caring deeply about something. What do you think really happened to the decaying roads, bridges, and “infrastructure” in this country anyway, and what led to this condition? I was watching United States Secretary of Transportation and Infrastructure Peter Paul “Pete” Buddigeieg speak the other day, and I fully realized what was really going on in this country with that reality. Lazy action, and postponing it until necessary, is another evil that I can talk about in this article, because if you want good, you need an eternal and active vigilance that is alert, really. Even the ancient Asian philosopher Lao Tzu put it that way in the Tao Teh Ching in so many words, and the thing about things that really work is that they “hum” to work without knowing that they are actually working well. But, when they don’t work, everyone and everything is really aware that something is really broken. Another example, the disrepair and scrapping of the Queen Mary steamboat/cruise ship in Long Beach, California, which used to be a viable tourist attraction, and is now a decaying hull almost ready to be, as one reporter put it, “shipped to a Turkish junkyard”. My point with this example is that all greatness needs constant attention and understanding in the deepest, historical, new, or current ways.

So, going back to everything in this world being a trance, we can be alert and good or lazy, lax and bad. We can get better or worse. That is the nature of reality however we make it, it is either cared for, cultivated and worked on or it breaks down. That’s it. It is the whole nature of trance or the choice we make to make things good or bad, losers or winners, successful or unsuccessful. To do and conserve good we must constantly think, act and generate. That is the big secret that I have been keeping until the end of this article. To win in reality, we must constantly and consistently work, think, act and generate in an alert manner. That’s it.

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