The essential guide to the hallways

the essential guide to hallways

From lighting to flooring to where to put your shoes, here’s our complete guide to a stylish and well-functioning hallway.

As everyone knows, first impressions count, and one place where making an entrance is essential is the entrance hall. “Your hallway is like your handshake: it prepares people for the rest of their visit,” says feng shui expert Gary Hawkes, who counts Donna Karan and Madonna as past clients. “So if it’s light, warm and welcoming, visitors will instantly feel relaxed and at home.” And yet, even though it sees more traffic than anywhere else in the house, the hallway is often left as an afterthought: a dumping ground for vintage umbrellas, wellington boots, and anoraks.

During the festive period in particular, there are more footfalls than average over the threshold, so before you start thinking about decorating your living room, it’s essential to make sure it’s truly worthy. While some homes may be blessed with large dimensions and an abundance of architectural features, others may need a more studied approach to maximize space, optimize storage, and let in light. We’ve consulted the experts for all their tips and tricks, so you can wow carolers, wow in-laws, and impress first-time footers with a bright, well-thought-out space that truly wows as well as Give the welcome.

hallway storage

‘Keep your aisle as clear as possible,’ advises Gary Hawkes. “Avoid sharp edges, intrusive plants, or anything that will interfere with your flow.” Carefully planned storage is a must, especially in vintage homes, where space is often at a premium.


o If you have a cupboard under the stairs, be ruthless. Throw out those broken pieces you can never fix, and don’t let it become a dumping ground for homeless items.
o If yours is a shoeless home, make sure there is plenty of storage space by the front door. A sturdy trunk is a great place to store shoes and boots, and can provide a perching spot for easy boot removal. A bench with built-in storage is also a smart idea.
o Create plenty of storage without sacrificing too much floor space with a floor-to-ceiling bank of cabinets. A custom design means you can plan for everything from sporting goods to pet paraphernalia.
o A piece of furniture, such as a dresser or console, will make a hallway feel ‘uninhabited’ and a room in its own right. It also means there’s a suitable place for keys, phone chargers etc. so they don’t get misplaced.

Decoration and exhibition of corridors.

“I’m a firm believer that you only get one chance to make a good impression, so it pays to be bold,” says interior designer Tara Bernerd. “It’s essential, even in a hallway, to create some kind of focal point.”


o Even if space is an issue, you can add the wow factor with a bold piece of art. Alternatively, create your own gallery with several smaller pieces or photos.
or ‘A dark hallway won’t be made brighter simply by painting it a light colour,’ says interior designer and BIDA member Mary Leslie. It’s much better to have dark red, teal, pewter, or bronze. Choosing a darker shade will give the illusion that the rooms beyond are brighter and more airy.
o Painting the woodwork the same color as the rest of the walls will visually blur the edges and give the impression of more space. And you can make a narrow space look squarer by painting one of the shorter walls a darker shade.
o Think about how the hallway connects to the next area. If space allows, double or sliding doors can create a spectacular flow to the rest of the house.
or Why not go crazy with some opulent wallpaper? If you have a picture rail or molding, just paper underneath, as this will keep the design from feeling oppressive.
o Add a mirror. Not only will it allow you to check your hair before you leave the house, but it can also help make a small space appear larger and reflect light.

hallway floor

Hallway floors need to withstand a lot of wear and tear, but durable doesn’t have to mean boring. “The hallway is often a smaller area to cover,” observes Tara Bernerd, “so you may want to consider a bolder or more dynamic floor.”


o Introduce color with a stylish runner. For stairs, buy an extra meter, which can be tucked under and the runner moved up periodically to even out wear.
o When properly sealed, hardwood flooring, whether solid or engineered, is a resilient option. Go traditional with warm oaks, or choose paler or extra-wide planks for a more modern feel. Reclaimed boards or parquet add real character. Visit to find a dealer.
o Moroccan tiles will add a touch of color and design. Try Dar Interiors for a good selection.
o From slate to limestone to travertine, stone is a stylish choice. When laying new tiles, consult a structural engineer to verify that the floor is strong enough to support the weight, as additional joists may be required.
o A decent size doormat is a must. “If possible, sink your mat into a shallow hole,” suggests Mark Dyson. This prevents it from slipping and traps any additional dirt.

hallway lighting

“The perfect lighting will create the illusion of a bright and voluminous area, even if it lacks natural light,” says Rebecca Weir, Design Director at Light IQ. It’s a delicate balance though, as too much lighting can make a space feel gloomy, while too little can make for a rather gloomy greeting.


o Flexible lighting is key, so install dimmers as they allow for low level lighting in the evenings and brighter task lighting on busy mornings. Put lights on switches at both ends of the space so you’re never in the dark.
o Light layers work well in a hallway. Recessed lights can help widen a narrow space, recessed lights are great for highlighting interesting architectural features, and low lights will cast a warm glow across your floor.
o ‘Fluorescent light sources are a good option, as they can be hidden from view, but provide a wonderful volume of light,’ says Rebecca. They are energy efficient and come in many different “temperatures” of white, from warm to cool to bright.
o Decorative accessories, such as a statement chandelier, can create an impact as well as add sparkle. Pair it with table lamps for a cozy glow.
o Maximize natural light by adding glazing to the front door or a skylight in the stairwell. “Many Victorian houses have a rear window in the middle of the landing,” says architect Mark Dyson, “and it’s possible to extend it to its full height without planning permission.”

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