Shopping Product Reviews

Product positioning strategies

Positioning is what the customer believes about the value, features, and benefits of your product; it is a comparison with the other available alternatives offered by the competition. These beliefs tend to be based on customer experiences and evidence, rather than awareness created by advertising or promotion. Marketers manage product positioning by focusing their marketing…

Home Kitchen

The essential guide to the hallways

the essential guide to hallways From lighting to flooring to where to put your shoes, here’s our complete guide to a stylish and well-functioning hallway. As everyone knows, first impressions count, and one place where making an entrance is essential is the entrance hall. “Your hallway is like your handshake: it prepares people for the…

Legal Law

The 4 Pillars of the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is divided into 4 main sections that are interconnected. These 4 pillars are known as: 1. Success and prosperity 2. Health and well-being 3.Love and relationship 4. Wisdom and spirituality If any pillar is built incorrectly or rests on a weak foundation, it could be said that the law is broken!…