Phosphosiderite – A Rare Gemstone – Its Characteristics and Properties

Phosphosiderite is a fascinating gemstone, as it is made from a combination of iron and phosphorus. The stone resembles sugilite. The name “phosphosiderite” has been derived from its basic elements phosphorus and iron. However, the word iron has been borrowed from the Greek language, which is “Sideros”, thus forming “phosphorus-siderite”. Besides Phosphosiderite, the stone is also popularly known as “Piedrea voga” which means pink stone or “La Roca Voca” which means pink rock in many countries.

color variations

This gemstone is widely available in light purple like orchid. Yellow streaks are usually evident in this stone. The vein like streaks in the stone is known as cacoxenite. Other shades of the stone that are rare and precious are rose red, reddish yellow brown, mossy green, deeper shades of purple and the most amazing is colorless phosphosiderite. The stone has a natural resinous or vitreous luster that gives the crystals a small amount of sparkle.


Phosphosiderite is a rare gem and is found particularly in Argentina and Chile. In addition to these countries, reddish-brown gemstones are generally found attached to jet-black barbosalite. These types of colored stones are found in South Dakota, USA, the Bull Moose Mine, and Custer County. Phosphosiderite which is available in shades of purple is mostly found attached to bluish purple botryoidal, dark purple tinsleyite or large rockbridgeite.

Botryoidal shaped stones are suitable for making Phosphosiderite cabochons. Geologically, the stone is presumed to be the result of a variation of the mineral triphyllite found in multiple granite pegmatites. Research suggests that phosphosiderite could also be the result of abstract components that are present in the soil.


This stone is perfect for jewelry making. It weighs around 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs hardness scale. Although it is perfect for jewelry making, it must be treated with paraffin and polished with some other materials to give it greater stability and shine. The stone has a prism of about 2/m and its diaphaneity is mostly translucent. Some phosphosiderite stones may have a dull diaphaneity. It is obtained in large quantities from massive rocks and softened for commercial use.

Most phosphosiderite stones show irregular fractures and distinct cleavages. The crystalline formation of the stone is tabular in shape or sometimes also found in a reniform layer together with the cartilaginous formation. Stone beads are available in round, oval and elongated oval shapes in the market.


Although the metaphysical properties of phosphosiderite are less well known, the crystals in the stone are believed to possess certain healing properties. Shades of purple are supposed to help reduce anger. It also helps calm a person’s high temper and brings about a feeling of relaxation and peace. Some suggest that phosphosiderite has spiritual properties. It is believed that it helps to heal problems related to the third eye chakra (Energy that is stored between our eyebrows that is linked to spirituality). The third eye chakra is supposed to be associated with knowledge and perception.

Therefore, Phosphosiderite is a rare and beautiful gemstone, and in addition to its beauty, the stone also possesses interesting properties.

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