Pediatric Orthosis – What is it?

In this branch of medicine, orthotics deals with the use and manufacture of orthopedic devices that are used to correct the physical function and posture of the patient. Orthopedic medicine serves to minimize pain, maximize mobility and function, and prevent the progression of most physical abnormalities. In the branch of pediatric orthotics, it is any type of device, such as a brace, heel, or foot insert, that will help support a child’s limb. These devices are made to correct blemishes affecting a child’s lower legs, feet, or knees. There are many different conditions that can affect a child’s feet that may make it necessary to wear pediatric braces. These can include multiple sclerosis, flat feet, or partial paralysis.

Many times, if a child has plantar fasciitis, pediatric braces are used to help support the foot. Plantar fasciitis is a medical condition that creates pain in the feet, usually in the heels. When the heel insert is placed inside the shoe, it helps reduce any swelling that often occurs with this medical condition and provides additional cushioning. Inserts can also help decrease heel pain, which can recur. This type of device is called a plantar fasciitis orthosis. Some children with this medical condition also require more arch support and additional shock absorption when standing or walking.

When a child suffers from deformities that affect their legs, they will often require the use of braces. These devices can help strengthen your muscles and help you have proper posture when walking and standing. This form of leg brace has special braces created to help keep your bones and joints in proper alignment. A medical condition that can affect both children and adults is called rheumatoid arthritis, which is considered a chronic disease. It is called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, when it affects adolescents and children. Many times the inflammation and pain associated with this disease can cause difficulty walking. This is due to immobile and stiff joints.

For children who require orthopedic therapy, specially constructed tight-fitting footwear is often used. To build the device, the pediatrician will make a mold of the child’s foot, which can help create custom orthoses to fit each child’s unique needs. If it’s a sports-related injury, wearing pediatric orthotics during the healing process can speed it up. Wearing them often will work to relieve any pressure on the injured area. Sports-related injuries treated with these medical devices include fractures, sprains, and strains. In some cases, a pediatrician will need to write a prescription for devices that are specially made or certain inserts for your shoe.

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