Only following orders: Excuse, but do not justify!

How many times throughout history have we heard someone try to excuse certain deplorable actions by saying they were just following orders? In the 1930s and 1940s, this excuse was given to explain why some either stood by and did nothing to resist, or actively participated in Nazi atrocities! A similar explanation was often used to try to justify why some soldiers followed orders, rather than question what should have been recognized as unwarranted and wrong! Many believe, when we listen, some of the people involved in some of the alleged misdeeds of this United States presidential administration and the campaign that led to it, is just the same, the same, the same! Shouldn’t everyone be responsible and resist (or at least challenge) questionable activities, instead of passing the buck and blaming this president? When Richard Nixon was forced to resign in the early 1970s, many of his henchman, learned this, the hard way, because they were sent to prison. for your personal offenses? It should not be acceptable to sit quietly when you see something bad (or potentially bad) happening! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss how this behavior might relate to what we are currently witnessing.

1. Michael Cohen: Michael Cohen, President Trump’s personal attorney and so-called stareadmitted his guilt after being swept, as a byproduct of the Mueller investigation, attempts, at least in part, to explain away his crimes and misbehavior, blaming the president for influencing his misdeeds. While this also says a lot about Mr. Trump, that shouldn’t absolve Mr. Cohen, for his willingness to act on behalf of his boss!

two. Many Republican politicians: While we don’t know for sure whether President Trump committed specific crimes, we should all be willing to acknowledge that his actions were often at least somewhat unethical, and not what we should expect, and demand, of the leader, of the free world. ! It is not enough to blame this on partisan politics, or one’s personal/political agenda, and/or self-interest. Isn’t it hypocritical when the same individuals who demanded more and articulated a morally indignant position from President Clinton appear, at the same time, enable and support these behaviors from the leader of his political party? ? What does this say about them and us for allowing it?

3. Climate change/environment: When the overwhelming majority of scientists and experts proclaim that the dangers of climate change are real and must be addressed, when this President will fail to do so, and will even repeal several existing environmental protections and their enablers, sit back, quietly, we need to hold them accountable, to all of them, for irresponsibly, for not addressing the relevant and sustainable needs of the world!

Wake up, America, and demand, more and better, from those you elect, to serve and represent the best interests of our society! It is time, no longer for excuses, but for realistic, pragmatic, idealistic, viable solutions and ideas!

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