Real Estate

Recreational Vehicle Types

VR CATEGORIES There seems to be a lot of confusion when using the word RV and what it describes. It is my hope that this simple little article will help you understand all that the letters RV encapsulate. First RV is short for recreational vehicle. To many, the RV is a motor home, but while…


Only following orders: Excuse, but do not justify!

How many times throughout history have we heard someone try to excuse certain deplorable actions by saying they were just following orders? In the 1930s and 1940s, this excuse was given to explain why some either stood by and did nothing to resist, or actively participated in Nazi atrocities! A similar explanation was often used…


10 Powerful Sales Tips for Making Door-to-Door Sales

Door-to-door sales is a profession that dates back to the late 1800s, when companies like Avon built empires through the use of direct sales to consumers. Today, door-to-door sales remain one of the most powerful sales channels for a large number of industries. I have spent years in the door-to-door sales business and have made…


Participation in social networks: future trends

Not long ago we were waiting for the friendly neighborhood postman or the long distance call. More recently, it is the ubiquitous email. They see the present and things have improved. We experience tweets, Facebook posts and updates continuously. Not to mention the instant look of everything. This evolution in obtaining social engagement will reach…

Health Fitness

StairMaster Fitness Equipment: Health Club Quality Fitness Steppers

StairMaster is a brand of gym-quality exercise equipment best known for its world-renowned stair climbers and StepMills. The StairMaster stairclimbers have two individual non-connected steps, which act independently of each other, while the StairMaster StepMill has a rotating stair similar to an escalator. Nearly thirty years ago, the first StairMaster exercise stair climber would enter…