Natural Treatments for Gastritis: What You Can Do to Relieve Pain Naturally

Gastritis is usually triggered by indigestion that causes irritation to the lining of the stomach. When excess acid is produced in the digestive system to aid digestion, this is when gastritis naturally occurs. It is usually made worse by stress, alcohol, chemicals, surgery, injury, or serious illness. At worst, it can lead to severe intestinal bleeding.

The most noticeable symptom of gastritis, natural, is increasing pain in the upper abdomen. There may also be a stabbing pain from the belly to the back. The pain can be short-lived or prolonged depending on the cause of the gastritis. In more severe cases, internal stomach bleeding may occur.

When you notice mild symptoms, natural remedies can be very helpful. However, if the symptoms are like vomiting blood, profuse sweating. Shortness of breath, chest pain persists, definitely requires immediate medical attention.

Simple home remedies can prevent and cure mild forms of natural gastritis. Chewing fresh ginger just before a meal, coconut water, a cup of potato juice, chewing roasted fennel at the end of each meal all help break down food in the stomach and thus prevent gastritis. Chewing cloves and drinking a glass of milk have also been found to be comforting to the stomach. However, cow’s milk works better than buffalo milk.

If you are a strict vegan, your diet should definitely include white gourd, bitter gourd, cucumber, bananas, and oranges.

Asparagus helps heal the stomach. The asparagus root cools the acidity of the stomach. Since stress can potentially aggravate the condition of the stomach, bitter chamomile tea relieves tensions and worries. If there are heartburn symptoms along with gastritis, then cardamom can do wonders for the stomach. Among the useful for a large number of skin problems, gooseberries are very useful in improving stomach ailments.

It has also been observed that when sandalwood paste is applied externally, it has a calming effect on the stomach muscles.

As the common ad says, prevention is always better than cure. Here are a couple of things that help keep your stomach in boat shape:

  • Diet is an important natural element to prevent gastritis. Try to stick to a fixed meal schedule. Don’t eat more or less than your body demands.
  • Allow an interval of at least two hours between dinner and bedtime. That gives the body some time to digest the food.
  • An excess of spicy / fatty foods is not good for the skin or the stomach. It tends to aggravate the production of acid in the stomach.
  • Sesame seeds and curd should be avoided at all costs.
  • Red meat is a key factor for gastritis. Limit your intake.
  • Stale foods tend to contain certain bacteria that add to gastritis.
  • We tend to ignore our metabolic needs quite often due to stress or deadlines. Address those needs as soon as they arise.
  • Coffee, tea, soda, and alcohol cause stomach inflammation. Drink with discretion.
  • Fibers and fresh fruits help fight stomach problems. Please!

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