Latte Coffee Maker Reviews

You can use a standard coffee maker to make a latte, but you will generally get better results if you use an espresso machine to get the job done. The problem with the coffee maker is that you need something to froth the milk. Otherwise, you will end up with a cup of latte, hardly a latte.

Obviously, an espresso machine is a better option, as most models come with milk frothers. However, stovetop espresso makers typically don’t, and if you go down that route, the end result could be a cup of espresso with milk. Therefore, a milk frother is a must for making a latte. Fortunately, milk frothers can be purchased separately and are not very expensive.

Using a coffee pot to make a latte

If you have a high-quality coffee maker, and Keurig is one of the best brands, you can use ground coffee or an espresso K cup to make a great latte. Of course, you will need a milk frother. An advantage of this approach is that coffee makers are less noisy than most coffee makers and tend to be much more reliable than similarly priced coffee makers. As for the milk frother, you can find a battery-powered one on Amazon or IKEA for under $ 10 that will work perfectly fine.

Or, pay a little more and use an espresso machine

If using a coffee maker just isn’t enough, you’ll need to buy an espresso machine. Don’t bother with models that cost less than $ 100 unless you only enjoy a cup of espresso or latte on rare occasions, as the cheaper models tend to be prone to problems. An exception might be the DeLonghi Pump Espresso and Cappuccino Maker, which sells for around $ 90. DeLonghi models that sell for more would likely be better options, however, the DeLonghi BCO320T model, which sells for $ 150, is just an example. However, if you visit a coffee shop or espresso stand regularly, an espresso machine in the $ 250- $ 300 range will still pay for itself in just a few months, and you could end up saving several hundred dollars a year.

Another good option is the Cuisinart EM-200, a programmable espresso machine. It also retails in the $ 150 range. The $ 199 Keurig Rivo 500 Cappuccino and Latte Brewing System makes an authentic Italian espresso and perfectly frothy cup of milk at the touch of a button. Of course, you can go for a higher priced machine. In the world of lattes and espresso machines, a general rule of thumb is that the more you pay, the better quality, and the better cup of java you usually get. Super expensive brands like Jura, Breville have their cons. They just have less of them.

Three attractive alternatives

If your lifestyle includes having a good latte to start your day, here are three approaches you might consider. First of all, if you already have a Keurig coffee maker, use an espresso pod or grind and buy a milk frother. The only downside will be the need to heat the grinder separately if you want it warm or hot. Second, look at the Keurig Rivo 500 Latte and Cappuccino Brewing System or DeLonghi BCO320T Espresso Machines. A third approach, and something worth considering if you’ve been thinking about buying a coffee grinder, would be to buy a coffee / grinder combination to make a really fresh cup of coffee or a really fresh latte. Breville, Cuisinart, and Krups are three brands worth considering. Of course, you will still have to fork out over $ 10 for the milk frother.

If you like to enjoy a latte every day, a mid-priced espresso machine would make the most sense. If enjoying a latte is something that happens from time to time, buy ground coffee or grind your own coffee and a frother.

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