
Categories that fall within the banking metrics

Like all metric systems, banking metrics are an established way for banks to quantify their performance. Banking metrics, such as performance metrics, should be formulated in accordance with the banks’ objectives, as well as the standards that they set themselves. Banks differ in objectives. Some banks may view customer churn as the basis of success…

Home Kitchen

For your home or office, DMI office furniture offers quality and style at an affordable price

DMI offers a wide range of options, from office furniture to home office furniture, made from fine veneers and quality woods selected for durability and functional furniture, all at reduced prices. Styles and designs range from classic and traditional, contemporary and transitional space, and small home office space. All furniture designs are protected by DMI’s…


Lift Kits – The Best Available

Choosing the best lift kit for your truck isn’t just about the make and model of your truck, although that does play a big role in which one you should buy. Before buying one for your truck, you should know the different lifts available, making sure to keep in mind that not all lifts are…

Legal Law

Laws applicable to raising capital

There are a number of laws that apply to raising capital from an outside source. This is mainly due to the fact that the Securities and Exchange Commission has outlined a series of regulations that ensure that angel investors are protected from companies that do not intend to use the funds as they have advertised…