How can I get my boyfriend to stop smoking weed?

To get your boyfriend to quit weed, the trick is to show him (not tell him) the benefits of quitting, definitely without ‘nagging’ him!

Guys sometimes have a knack for convincing girls that what they’re doing isn’t so bad. But the fact is that smoking marijuana changes people and the man you love today will slowly change over time if he continues to smoke marijuana.

Marijuana doesn’t kill people, but it certainly kills personalities!

Grass tends to change people. A person who smokes weed consistently will eventually have increased apathy, a great loss of motivation, a weaker immune system, and of course, an addiction that will always come first in life, before hopes, dreams, and yes. , even you!

If your boyfriend smokes weed, he’s not a bad person! It’s possible that he just doesn’t know any better. Many people tend to believe that marijuana is a harmless drug, but the statistics tell us otherwise.

People who smoke marijuana every day:

  • have less vacation
  • Have less money (even if they sell weed)
  • You experience a loss in sexual desire
  • You experience less overall drive in life.

Eventually, hopes and dreams in life plummet as fast as motivation for life does.

So how do I get my boyfriend to stop smoking weed?

Telling your boyfriend directly that he “has to quit” will rarely work. If you tell a guy to do something, he will usually have a stronger urge to do the opposite.

It’s a boy thing.

So if you can’t tell him to quit, what can you do to get your boyfriend to stop smoking weed?

This is where psychology comes into play.

You have to be skilled to convince your boyfriend to stop smoking weed. The good news is that there are plenty of tricks guys fall for.

Don’t tell him you’re going to quit smoking yet, always do it in small steps. Have him quit smoking weed for just a couple of days at first, then try upping it to a week. Eventually, you’ll start to see the benefit of quitting weed and decide to quit on your own.

This is what you want.

The ultimate goal should be to get him to decide to quit weed on his own. It must be your idea. If you think quitting is your own decision, you’re more likely to do so.

Remember, the more you tell your boyfriend to quit weed, the more he’ll want to smoke and he’ll do it anyway, possibly even behind your back or in secret.

You need him to be upfront and honest about his addiction or you will lose all control and any hope that he will quit weed. Here are some options at your disposal to help you get your boyfriend to quit smoking weed:

  • Tell him that he’s different when he smokes weed and that you love him when he’s not high.
  • Ask him to go a couple of days without weed, for you!
  • Reward him for not smoking weed

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