Herbalife Review: What You Need To Know And How You Can Make Money With Herbalife

This Herbalife review will help you decide whether or not Herbalife is the right home-based business for you.

First, the basics.

Herbalife Review: Company History and Current Performance

Established in 1980 by Mark Hughes, Herbalife is a recognized leader in the health food and weight loss industry.

How leaders are they?

According to company records, Herbalife has nearly 2,000,000 distributors worldwide. A publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange with earnings of $3.5 billion annually, this is a 30-year-old company that, while not recession-proof, has definitely learned over decades to weather all kinds of economic storms.

Herbalife Review: Products and Opportunity

Herbalife is one of the world’s leading distributors of vitamins, weight loss products, prepackaged meals, herbs, protein bars and protein shake mixes. Herbalife operates through a network of distributors and is an MLM (multi-level marketing) company.

If this Herbalife review leaves you enthusiastic about the company’s products, I suggest you contact your local distributor and let them know that you would like to become a retail customer, or better yet, a distributor of the products yourself.

If you determine that you would like to set up shop as a distributor, you also want to become one of your best customers.


Because the most effective way to move products or add distributors to your company is to have first-hand knowledge of your company, its products and services. Your enthusiasm for what you are selling will come through genuinely when you meet with clients and team members and make your sales pitch too compelling to resist.

Herbalife Review: So… Make it clear to me: Is this a viable business opportunity or not?

The short answer is yes.

As with any reputable MLM, there are a variety of ways to build a money-making Herbalife distributor business. Retail is one such way. But he’s not the only one (and for my money, that’s not where the rewards are. Read on…)

Herbalife Review: Well, since you brought in money… Will I make anything in this business? And if so, how fast?

In this case, the short answer is, it depends.

Now, I’m not playing you just to watch you squirm. Herbalife is a solid, respectable and profitable company. But does that guarantee that as a Herbalife distributor you will make money?

No. Just not.

The truth is, at the end of the day, how you market your Herbalife distribution will make all the difference in the world. And everyone knows that big profits come from adding more people to your downline and then earning a commission based on the volume they and their new team create.

How do you build your Herbalife downline? That’s simple: network with others, offer them Herbalife products as a solution to their health or weight loss problems, and then follow up to sign them up as customers or part of your team.

And don’t forget it’s a numbers game. Which means your greatest success will come as you expand your reach and influence.

Now for the straight talk part of this Herbalife review. (Because I want to give him every advantage as he enters the world of working from home.)

The fact is that most MLM business owners know nothing about marketing.

When I say most, I’m talking about 97 percent.

Which means there is a very good chance that you are one of that 97 percent.

If you fall into that group, your NUMBER ONE priority should be to learn all you can about promoting your business, both online and in the real world.

You need to roll up your sleeves and enlist in a Bootcamp Marketing 101.

But don’t be discouraged. Because this is where the very, very good news comes in. (And that’s good news that applies to any network marketing opportunity you join.)

From my own experience, I can tell you that one of the easiest ways to grow your business is online. I mean, let’s be real: eventually, your warm market (friends, family, neighbors) will cool down. When that happens, you have two options: make new friends (Walmart is often where your upline may suggest you go to do that, FUN!), or take your business online, where your potential customers are virtually limitless.

This is where a good internet based attraction marketing system will prove invaluable to your online business, and can even make the difference between success and failure.

If you decide to start promoting yourself and your product or service online, here are some guidelines:

1. Look for a software system that will handle all the follow-up emails. These must be professionally written to have a high sales conversion rate.

2. An effective system must have a reasonable monthly subscription fee. What is reasonable? Anything from $50 to $100 (depending on what’s on offer).

3. Make sure the program you’re looking at offers great online training to its members, including free audio and video training.

4. Make sure the training is up-to-date (for example, relevant in the last six to 12 months). The rules of online marketing change quite often, and nothing is more frustrating than studying and applying a technique and discovering that it no longer works or is not allowed. The best way to make sure the training is up to date (because you won’t know until you’ve paid to get in) is to make a phone call to the service provider and ask.

Next steps?

The point of this Herbalife review is that it is a solid and reputable company.

So if you like their products, feel there is a market for them, and feel that being an Herbalife distributor is something that would motivate you in the morning, this is probably the right choice for you.

Just… promise me one thing?

Whatever home-based business opportunity you decide to pursue (and I hope my Herbalife review here helps you with that), just make sure you get all the marketing training you need to be successful.

Stack the cards in your favor and make sure you become one of the three percent that generates fabulous income online.

As your business begins to take off, you’ll be so glad you did.

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