Dan Brown and his novel Angels and Demons

Author Dan Brown was born on June 22, 1964 and raised in Exeter, New

Hampshire. He came from a very wealthy family. His father, Richard G. Brown, was a prominent mathematics teacher. Ms. Constance Brown was a professional musician. Dan also grew up with two other siblings. Dan Brown married Blythe, who accompanies him on his frequent research trips for his novels. He currently lives in New England as a full-time writer with his wife. Other Dan Brown novels include Digital Fortress, The Da Vinci Code, and Deception Point.

The story of the novel Angels and Demons occurred in the 17th century when the Illuminati swore revenge against the Vatican. The reason they wanted revenge was that the Vatican had kicked them out of their city for not being dedicated Christians.

The Illuminati went into hiding in Bavaria where they cultivated with other antichrist groups such as Jews and Muslims. This gang of anti-Christians led to the new Illuminati, a darker, more powerful and deeply satanic cult. Promising that one day they would return and take revenge on the Catholic Church.

Dan grew up surrounded by false beliefs in science and religion. These beliefs gave him insights that served as the inspiration for his acclaimed novel Angels and Demons. On one of his research trips to Vatican City, he was walking through a small tunnel where the Popes were hiding from enemies known as the brotherhood of the Illuminati, also known as “the enlightened ones.” This kind of scientific brotherhood was formed antichrist. When Dan Brown heard that the scholar who made the tour said that “modern historians believe that the Illuminati are still active today.” It inspired him to write an Illuminati thriller.

Angel & Demons is a thriller about the return and revenge of the Illuminati brotherhood against their enemies. Above all, it is a story about Robert Langdon, the Harvard symbologist who gets caught in the middle.

Robert Langdon is a historian who is interrupted by a phone call from a CERN physicist telling Robert to be in a private location. When Mr. Langdon arrives at his destination in Switzerland, physicist Kohler shows him a photograph of a murder. A scientist with the word Illuminati imprinted on his chest. Mr. Langdon was asked who he might think the killer was, as he was a historian who knew about symbology. Vittoria was the daughter of the scientist who had just been killed. She told Kohler and Langdon about a secret project that she and her father had been working on, Antimatter. Antimatter was the opposite of matter, creating a huge explosion if it made contact with something, including air.

The Illuminati got hold of this antimatter for the reason that they wanted to show Catholics that life could be done simply with science. Meanwhile, back in Rome, the conclave election for the new Pope was taking place. Fearing that Antimatter would reach Rome and destroy Vatican City, Langdon and Vittoria set out to search for Antimatter. The late pope’s chamberlain received a phone call from a man claiming to be from the Illuminati brotherhood telling them that his four favorite cardinals were to be killed. One by one, the Illuminati began killing the cardinals by etching the words earth, air, fire, and water on their chests. Langdon and Victoria were on the trail of the killer, but each time they got close it would be too late.

Each murder led to a clue as to where the next would be. Finally, Langdon

had caught up with the killer who mentioned there would be one last murder and that

the Illuminati leader would do it himself, and then Langdon kills him. Kohler flew in from CERN to meet the chamberlain. Kohler was the leader of the Illuminati who was there to kill the chamberlain, but instead the chamberlain printed the Illuminati sign on him and killed Kohler. Chamberlain headed for the Antimatter that lay beneath the Sistine Chapel. In conclusion, Chamberlain took the antimatter and flew with it until it exploded in midair and no one else in the city came close to any danger.

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