Home Kitchen

Shaker styles and their rich history in decoration

Shakers lived in dormitory-style homes and celebrated God in a busy and active way by participating in tasks that brought out the best in themselves. The design details were classified as “American Rustic” and were unrivaled in craftsmanship. Cabinet Features Shakers use recessed panel doors with rails and studs, and the frame is smooth and…

Home Kitchen

Combining vintage style with urban chic creates a modern retro look

Mixing vintage styles with newer styles is very “cool” and a popular decorating style today. In some circles phrases like “Urban Chic” or “Fresh Vintage” are used instead of “retro”. It’s still “retro,” but a different take on the past when shoppers combine “edgy” vintage collectibles with contemporary-style furnishings and decor. Others understand “Urban Chic”…

Home Kitchen

5 ideas to build a spectacular outdoor kitchen

An outdoor kitchen is the ultimate dream for many people who enjoy backyard entertaining. Imagine gathering your friends or family for a summer barbecue or a cozy winter cocktail in the comfort of your own garden. Here are some great tips for designing your spectacular outdoor kitchen. 1. Design ideas Pinterest is a great resource…

Home Kitchen

What Makes Oster Blenders So Special?

Worldwide, the kitchens of diverse households proudly display Oster Blenders as a symbol of convenience, quality and excellence. The brand that was launched almost a hundred years ago in 1924 has become popular with buyers around the world. Of the various kitchen appliances the company makes, the most popular are its range of countertop mixers….