Candida Throat – The Best Natural Treatments

A Candida throat infection (also called Candida throat) can be caused by illness, overuse of antibiotics, or stress. It is a fungus that lives naturally inside our gastrointestinal tract without any problem since the friendly bacteria that our body produces keep it at bay. However, if you feel exhausted or stressed, the fungus can cause an infection.

Corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, and antibiotics can cause an oral yeast infection to spread. If you have untreated diabetes, AIDS, or cancer, you could be prone to a Candida albicans throat infection. A pregnant woman is also at risk of getting Candida thrush because pregnancy often causes a serious hormonal imbalance.

Male Candida is also associated with Candida yeast. But male Candida does not refer to the throat. Instead, it affects areas such as the genitals, muzzle, and armpits. These areas are often moist, which allows the fungus to grow rapidly, causing small, itchy, white blisters.

Painful or bleeding white lesions are common symptoms of localized Candida. These appear on the tongue, inside the cheeks or in the mouth. The sores may bleed while you brush your teeth. In cases of chronic Candida, symptoms may also include fever and difficulty swallowing. If you experience a sensation as if a piece of food has lodged in your throat or severe itching, this could be a sign that the Candida infection has spread to the esophagus.

Diagnosis of Candida throat usually occurs during a dental exam. If the infection is suspected to have spread to the esophagus, an endoscopy may be necessary. A small camera is attached to a tube that is inserted into your throat and a video is taken. Or the dentist may take a sample of the fungus and examine it under a microscope.

Gargling and prescription mouthwashes are effective and easy ways to treat Candida. But for severe Candida infections, especially if your immune system is weak, you’ll need to use strong antifungal treatments for two weeks. These are prescribed as tablets, liquid, or pills.

Treatment will depend on the diagnosis of each individual case, and may vary depending on the age and severity of the infection. Because Candida throat can be caused by other conditions, your dentist may recommend that you see a doctor for a more detailed diagnosis. There may be other underlying health problems causing the Candida infection.

There are a couple of effective home remedies that are known to help fight minor Candida throat infections. Gargle with vinegar and warm water, or mix a little coconut oil with a little tea tree oil for a gargle. Certain types of yogurt contain live cultures that are known to help fight Candida throat.

You can do a number of things to prevent Candida throat. Follow a good oral hygiene regimen every day. Brush your teeth and floss twice a day. Avoid using oral sprays and mouthwashes because they contain ingredients that can interfere with the balance of friendly microorganisms in your mouth.

Visit your dentist regularly, especially if you wear dentures or have diabetes. Avoid eating foods that are high in sugar and yeast. Wine, beer and bread can stimulate the growth of Candida. If you are a smoker, try to quit or cut down significantly.

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