After the pet food recall, what can you feed your pets to keep them healthy?

My pet food was on the pet food recall list last year and now I feel like I have to question EVERY product I want to buy for my pets!

Have you ever felt like your entire pet shopping list is off limits? Many of us who had never cared about safe and clean food had a VERY unpleasant awakening in the last few months. Even when we were used to reading labels to make sure we were buying healthy foods and treats, we soon realized that this was no longer a guarantee of safety.

So what can you do about it?

I have received many emails and phone calls requesting lists and easy recipes to make for your pet. While this was a fairly normal reaction to the storm of recalls, few pet owners realized the sacrifice and time it would take to go back to making their own pet food.

Obviously, the decision to make your own pet food depends on the type of pet you have. For example, it is much easier to cook or mix food for a cat than it is for a large Saint Bernard. If you are determined to go down this route, there are some ingredients that you SHOULD NOT include in your cat or dog’s diet. This list comes from the ASPCA and is based on pet illnesses and deaths, not hearsay.

Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pets

– Alcoholic drinks

– avocado

– Chocolate (all forms)

– Coffee (all forms)

– Fatty foods

– Macadamia nuts

– Moldy or spoiled food

– Onions, onion powder – all forms

– Raisins and grapes


– yeast dough

– Garlic – all forms

– Products sweetened with xylitol – artificial sweetener

Now, if you’re worried about pet food recalls and want to try a homemade cat and dog food recipe to keep your pets healthy, here’s one to get you started.

This simple and healthy food mix is ​​easy to prepare for your dogs or cats. I like this recipe because it includes meat, vegetables, and rice. I prefer recipes that don’t include large amounts of wheat or white flour as the main ingredients because many pets can become sensitized to those ingredients.

Stew of Meat, Vegetables and Rice


3 pounds ground chicken or hamburger patties

2 1/2 cups frozen vegetable mix (no garlic or onion), chopped

4 cups of rice 6 1/2 cups of water

1/2 cup olive oil


Place chicken, vegetables, and rice in a large saucepan or Dutch oven. Add water until mixture is smooth. Place over medium-high heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Common sense daily precautions

Now that we’ve covered the topic of feeding your pets healthy and safe food, the most important thing to remember is to have your pet examined by a qualified veterinarian if anything unusual occurs, either from the food or from other products. are exposed during a normal day. Unusual symptoms may include vomiting, lethargy, listlessness, incontinence, loose stools, or general loss of appetite.

I like to remind pet owners that their companion animals can be affected by the products they use in their homes or cars where the animals live and travel. For example, most people don’t realize that air fresheners with synthetic chemicals and fragrances settle on the floor where pets walk on debris, wipe their paws, and ingest toxins.

As a result of the indoor pollution many pets are exposed to, we are seeing an increase in the number of chronic diseases in our pets just as we are seeing an increase in the human population in general.

Learn about the toxins that can affect your pet’s health, not just the food they eat. Your pet is counting on you, be his advocate! Look for natural and organic products that are certified by an organization you trust.

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