Acai Berry – Trash or Super Fruit?

How many of us are looking to live longer, look younger, lead healthier lives, but just hate trying to figure out what pills, potions, or creams to buy to achieve these results? If what they say is correct, then all you need is the Amazon Acia Berry.

Look in any drugstore, pharmacy, or newspaper ad, and everywhere you look, you’ll see people lining up to buy some of this potion, some of these pills, some of that disgusting-tasting liquid, or these supplements. People are spending a fortune trying to make sure their bodies are in the healthiest state possible.

‘Baby Boomers’: Those born between 1946 and 1960, in particular, are desperately trying to reverse the aging process and live longer, healthier lives. And you know what? One of the products that could actually do all of the above, in a simple daily dose, has been exploited until recently by poaching gangs, until only 91% of the world’s available natural supply remains.

I’m talking here about the Acai Berry, found only in the Amazon rainforests where, for probably 50 years or more, gangs of poachers have been ripping off the tops of the Acai palm tree, just to get to the ‘palmetto’. or Heart of Palm, which we westerners like to use as a salad garnish! More than 5 million of these trees have been destroyed this way, just so poachers can get around 50 cents per tree. But now, after around 90% of these magnificent palm trees have been destroyed, sanity prevails.

These trees harvest twice a year, from May to August and from November to January, so now there is no shortage of crops. Local people can now be paid much more, on a regular basis, to harvest these berries, instead of the small pittance they received for each tree they actually destroyed.

So what is it about Acai palm that has gotten so much attention? Well, one clue is in the way the Acai palm manages to survive, in an area so remote that there are no roads, motorized traffic, or industrial pollution for thousands of miles.

The Acai palm sends out very shallow root systems (no taproots) to collect food from highly concentrated debris that falls to the forest floor. Its berries form just below the rainforest canopy. When floods are regular, the Acai palm can be up to six feet under water, and most other plans cannot survive for more than a few days in this way, before they die from lack of oxygen in their system. of roots. The berries, being so close to the top of the forest canopy, are constantly bombarded by ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

One of the main results of these actions is that in order to overcome these stress levels, the berries fill up with all the necessary antioxidants to protect them from free radical attacks caused by these two main stresses. This results in a fruit packed with virtually all the nutrients we need, including the highest antioxidant value of any fruit known. If you look at the ‘shopping list’ for some of these nutrients, you’ll probably immediately stop going to your local store and buy pack after pack of different pills and potions, and just look for the best quality Acai juice mix. Look at this list, it’s not complete, it’s amazing, no wonder it’s been labeled ‘The Super Fruit’.

– Vitamin A – Calcium

– Vitamin C – Magnesium

– Vitamin E – Copper

– Vitamin D – Chromium

– Vitamin B1 – Zinc

– Vitamin B2 – Iron

– Vitamin B3 – Sodium

– Vitamin B6 – Manganese

– Vitamin B12 – Selenium

– Pantothenic acid, Boron Bioton, Potassium, Arsenic, Folic acid, Molebdenum, Anacitol, Iodine.

– Regarding heavy metals, because these acai palms are organically grown so far from the usual contaminants of civilization, they have trace measurements in small parts per million.

– Complex carbohydrates

– One gram per 100 grams of sugar

– Every essential amino acid

– Fatty acids – low in cholesterol

– Monounsaturated fatty acids

Now, in addition to all the health-supporting components, one of the biggest effects of the acai berry is the enormous amount of antioxidants it contains. Many times greater than the power of wheatgrass, and much more pleasant to the taste, the acai berry has the highest peroxide removal capacity of any product in the world. It probably doesn’t mean much to most people, but what it does mean is that every cell in your body can become stronger against free radical attacks within your body.

To put it as simply as possible, if you put a nail in water, it will start to rust pretty soon. It is not the water that is doing this, but the free radicals that are present in the water. If you surround the nail with antioxidants, they will “capture” any free radicals that come close to the nail and neutralize them, inhibiting rust damage. Well, your body is much like that nail, and if you have too many free radicals running amok, then your body will essentially start to rust!

So where do these free radicals come from? Well, smoking, pollution, radiation, lots of fast food, viral attacks, physical injury, and even stress can cause this to happen. Also, when your immune system detects rogue bacteria trying to make their home in your nice warm and cozy body, this triggers an attack by your white blood cells, which attack the bacteria, surround it, and then chop it up using – yes -! free radicals!

Fine and elegant, and the bug is destroyed.

However, unless you have enough antioxidants in your blood, suddenly that area of ​​your body will be inundated with many more free radicals. And free radicals will damage other healthy cells in that neighboring area unless controlled and neutralized. One of the things antioxidants can do is prevent the onset of old age.

Smokers in particular and those exposed to too much radiation from sunlight will have much more wrinkled skin as the cells become damaged. Interestingly, most Brazilians (living on or near the equator) have much smoother and younger looking skin commensurate with their age.

Because? This has to be due to the fact that the Acai berry has been so abundant in Brazil, so everyone is dosed with enough antioxidants to overcome this potential damage. If you look at the list of areas where the Acai berry is believed to help combat many of the diseases that are prevalent in most Western societies, such as cancer, diabetes, prostate problems, memory problems such as dementia-style, and also helps slow down the aging process, strengthens memory, strengthens the body’s immune system, soothes and reduces inflammation (both sports and age-related) – why only a small proportion of the world population regularly takes Acia in some form or another?

Would you rather spend your money on a whole chemistry set of pills, potions, bad-tasting remedies, creams, overpriced organic fruits and vegetables, and the like, when a few ounces of this superfood several times a day will do so much to prevent many chronic and exhausting illnesses? So why is the Acai berry sometimes labeled as the latest scam on the market?

Like all fruits, the Acai berry must be harvested correctly, just at the time of peak ripeness, for maximum effect. If you are a native of the Amazon, and to satisfy your craving you only have to carry a climbing belt to the nearest Acai palm tree, but if, like most of us, you live perhaps thousands of kilometers away, then you cannot trust. in the usual way in which most fruit is transported. Who hasn’t seen the piles of green bananas on the market that tend to turn black instead of ripening properly?

Well, the same goes for the Acai berry. If the berry is to be used in a fruit drink, it must go through a process such as freeze-drying within 24 hours of picking. This is the only way to maintain the high Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) of the fruit. Now, why is this powerhouse berry sometimes labeled as a scam, or that better quality Acia drinks are supposedly priced too high?

Well, first of all, there is a limit to the amount of antioxidant ORAC value your body can actively use each day, and this is typically between 3,000 and 6,000 ORAC units. A little more – and the excess is eliminated by the kidneys. Some unscrupulous companies claim much higher ORAC values ​​per day of their product, showing complete ignorance of what is going on.

Regarding cost, there are a number of Acai type drinks on the market, which you can get in most supermarkets, but when you look at the contents, you might see ’20 or 100 Acai berries, skin removed’.

Do you ever get an ORAC rating? No! And where is most of the nutrients and essential oils in the berry? On the skin. The process of using the whole acai berry, apart from the pip, and keeping all the essential fatty acids and so on, is very expensive.

Anyone who thinks they are getting the expected levels of healthy protection from these types of beverages would have to drink so much, they would cost themselves massive amounts and also create other problems in the body by getting rid of so much useless bulk.

However, there is one company that has invested millions in creating a special Acia natural drink mix, which is also taking a significant proportion of the Acai crop in conjunction with the Brazilian government. This juice not only brings all the benefits of the Acai berry to the masses, but is also taking a big step towards stabilizing the few million Acai palms that are now left, bringing prosperity to the people of the Amazon and the choice for millions of people in the world. wide to have a massive improvement in your health and well-being.

So Acai is indeed a Super Fruit, and it passes all tests with flying colors.

If you’re looking for an easily assimilated source of nutrition that doesn’t require a long list of pills, potions, bad-tasting drinks; also with the ability to slow down the aging process, get better sleep, get more protection against many of the chronic diseases caused by inflammation (including many cancers and indeed obesity), less aches and pains, then I suggest look for a source. of the highest quality Acia juice – and live a longer, healthier life.

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