5 tips to lose 15 pounds very easily

In an effort to help people achieve a healthier weight and adopt healthier lifestyle habits, I’ve created a short list of five simple things you can change in your life that will help you lose weight fast. However, the trick is that you have to make them a habit.

How do you make it a habit exactly? Really simple: you must practice this habit every day, for 28 days.

After that, it will become as automatic for you as brushing your teeth every morning. It’s hard to explain unless you’ve experienced it before, but you won’t feel good if you don’t continue these habits after 28 days.

So take a deep breath and relax… this is going to be fun!

[1] It leaves the white matter for 28 days.

Before the start of the 28-day clock, go through your entire house and anything that is white, get rid of it!

For example:

-White bread
-White rice
-White flour
-White sugar
-White Salt
-White milk
-White Potatoes

Does this mean that you will never be able to eat these things again? No… All it means is that instead of white, you’re going to replace it with whole grain and/or whole wheat products.

Here are some examples of what would be acceptable to eat:

-15 Grain Wheat Bread
-Brown Brown Rice
-Whole wheat flour
-Brown sugar (in moderation friends)
-If something already has salt, that’s fine. Just don’t add extra salt to anything and you’ll be fine.
-Almond or Soy Milk
-Red Potatoes

If you come across something and you’re not sure if it would be considered white or not, take a good look at it or read the ingredient label. If it looks white or has the word “white” in the ingredient list, don’t eat it.

[2] Give up all soft drinks for 28 days.

There are a multitude of reasons soda is bad for you. I’m not going to delve into the science behind why you shouldn’t drink it. Instead, I will give you my best synopsis based on what I have learned and experienced in my own life.

Soda has a LOT of sugar. Too much sugar makes you fat. Period.

Drinking too much sugar will make you crave more sugary drinks and foods throughout the day, making you even fatter.
Diet soda, although it has no “calories”, is a chemical soup that tricks your system into thinking you ate something sweet (just like regular soda). On a psychological level, drinking diet soda makes you eat more calories because you think it had no effect on your system. Well guess what, it did, and guess what else… diet soda is fattening too.

What should you drink instead? Well… the only thing I would recommend is water with lemon. Especially distilled water if you can, but any water will do. Most people don’t realize this, but you could exercise for 8 hours a day, and if you don’t drink enough water, it’s all for nothing.

Why? Because your body needs a lot of water to get rid of excess waste (weight) through your intestines. So as a secondary challenge, I would recommend drinking plenty of water every day for 28 days to help your body do its job.

[3] Do ANY type of exercise for 30 minutes a day, for 28 days.

Oh no! The dreaded E-word!! Relax guys; I’m going to make this very, very easy for you. How? By helping you redefine the word exercise to better fit your current lifestyle. Because to me and the rest of the world, exercise is defined as any activity that gets your heart rate up and makes you sweat, that’s it!

So seriously, keep this simple. Just think of anything you enjoy doing that makes you sweat, and then find a way to do it 30 minutes a day for 28 days.


-Have sex!
-Mow the lawn with a push mower.
-Shovel the driveway.
– Walk briskly.
-To play a sport.
– Throw a ball.
– Do you understand what I’m telling you? Just find something you can do every day, put it on your schedule ahead of time, and then have fun doing it! It really is that easy.

[4] Take the stairs and park far away for 28 days.

This one is easy: whenever you get a chance to take the elevator or park near where you’re trying to go, take the stairs and park far away.

I know it may feel like a pain in the butt at first, but remember that those few extra calories will add up over time. Make this a daily habit for 28 days and it will pay dividends for years to come.

[5] Eat more fruits and vegetables for 28 days.

No, I’m not asking you to stop eating meat. All I’m suggesting is that for 28 days you find a way to incorporate fruits and vegetables into every meal. If you want to learn more, you can read my previous blog post on “how to live naturally”. I won’t go into too much detail here; this is meant to be short and simple.

Here are some examples to get your brain working:

-For breakfast, if you usually eat cereal, try adding a slice of banana to the mix.
-For lunch, eat a healthy salad with nuts.
-For dinner, have a side of steamed carrots or peas along with a salad.

final thoughts

I know it’s easy to get stuck on a certain path and forget how you ended up there in the first place. I get it, I really get it.

After 28 days, you will certainly be back to the busy body you were before. The trick, however, is that once these clothes become your clothes, you can finally move on without having to worry about your weight. By making these small changes, you will finally become the person you deserve to be.

Cheers to a healthy and happy new you!

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