
Charred Trumpism: repudiation denied

With an administration responsible for a record of ineptitude that includes more than 240,000 dead Americans, Democrats had reason to believe that the day of repudiation was nye. Though some state policies ran in his favor, the House numbers fell and an overwhelming swing toward a unified Democratic government clearly did not happen. Why? Because…


Investing in stocks: what are some options?

What are shares? Why invest in them? Is it necessary to consider investing in stocks for money management? Stocks, commonly referred to as “shares,” are parts of companies that people can buy and thus own a piece of the company. The company issues shares to the general public when it analyzes the need to raise…


Features and benefits of folding tables and chairs

Folding tables and chairs today are becoming popular as they offer many advantages in their use and features. Not only are they common in most commercial establishments, they are also very common in residences with limited space. Folding tables and chairs can offer the convenience of conserving space in a room and displaying them only…


Why would you choose to say no?

We can all choose to say ‘no’ to things; a piece of cake, a cup of tea, a date or a job offer. We have the choice to go or not to go, to accept or not to accept. At first glance anyway. For some, saying ‘no’ is their automatic default. They may be busy,…