
TikTok Marketing 101

When pop sensation Taylor Swift released her single “Me” in April 2019, the tune instantly went viral. Includes Brenden Urie from Stress! In The Disco and the Music, the film is between the two dancing and singing in a kaleidoscope of light colors. Shortly after the release, Swift’s TikTok accounts posted a clip on the…


Net Asset Value and Tangible Net Asset Value

The Net Asset Value (or “NAV”) of a company is the residual interest in its assets and all of its liabilities have been deducted. In other words, the NAV is the capital of the company and is considered a cushion against which the market capitalization of the company should rarely fall below. “NAV” gold “Stockholders’…

Home Kitchen

Home decor for a claustrophobic

The main factor that contributes to the crowded feeling that one has in small spaces is clutter. Newspapers, magazines, or books randomly strewn across the living room add to that “locked in” feeling. Simply stacking the magazines or placing them neatly on a table will add space to a room. The kitchen or dining room…


68 Camaro For Sale

The Camaro is the legendary automobile introduced by Chevrolet for the 1967 model year in order to compete with the Ford Mustang and other similar automobiles. This initial entry into the highly competitive muscle car market was an instant hit for Chevy, and a car line was born that would span five decades and five…

Digital Marketing

Keyword research: an essential aspect in SEO

Keyword research is among the top 3 SEO factors, along with link building and content marketing. Websites that have numerous organic searches are different from those that have none, when it comes to keyword choice. Making use of effective keyword research tools will allow people / businesses to find a popular / profitable niche, locate…


What you need to know about coffee

A third of the world drinks coffee “Without my morning coffee, I am no good.” “I need my two cups of coffee to start in the morning.” “The first thing we do in the morning is make a fresh cup of coffee.” Such are the feelings of almost a third of the world’s population according…