Health Fitness

P90X Nutrition – My Staples

P90X workouts are tough. But I tell everyone I train that diet, nutrition, and supplements give people the results they want. Workouts make you fit on the inside, your nutrition makes you look fit on the outside. I didn’t really follow any nutritional plans or recipes provided by Beachbody during my P90X trial. It’s not…

Legal Law

Book Review: A President From Hawaii

Dr. Carolan and Joanna Carolan have prepared a beautiful book that shows the influence Hawaii had on Barack Obama, who grew up there and later became the first president of that state. The less than seventy pages are not only beautifully illustrated, but also clearly express the values ​​held by the Hawaiian people, both in…

Lifestyle Fashion

Meaning of holistic healing

Holistic healing means taking a holistic approach when seeking treatment for imbalances and choosing to lead a more balanced lifestyle. What primarily distinguishes holistic healing from alternative medicine, complementary medicine, and integrative medicine is that physical health is not necessarily the primary focus. Still, it is often the experience of physical discomfort that first prompts…

Shopping Product Reviews

Google Native Client Plugin and WebRTC

In the early days of the Internet, when browsers were fairly basic, plug-ins were the preferred method of delivering multimedia content to users, such as streaming video with Adobe’s Flash player. However, the use of plug-ins has always been a security risk, as it offers hackers another way to introduce malicious code into users’ systems….