Will abs give you abs?

What do you think is the number one exercise to get great abs?


V sit?


Sit down, right?

No this is the common conception, I thought it was the key to getting a six pack at some point and I’m sure most people do.

This is the question that I am asked a lot and without offending anyone who has asked it, but it is a frustrating question.

“What exercise will eliminate this (point to stomach)?”

There is no magic formula or any magic exercise that simply melts stomach fat, sadly it is not as easy as that.

The only way to melt stomach fat is to eat right and mix it with regular strength training and high intensity cardio.

I’m not saying basic work isn’t important, I do 3 basic sessions a week. Core strength is very important, but it won’t get your abs on its own. We need core strength to be able to balance, stand, get up from a chair in most of the things we do. So keep up with the basic workout, but people just need to get over the perception that abs and crunches will give you a flat stomach without concentrating on eating and other workouts.

Doing lots of sit-ups will help build your abs and can make you look even fatter if you don’t eat or train well! So please don’t think abs will flatten your stomach, it won’t. Squats are typically performed through excessive range of motion (the upper phase) once you pass a certain point, your abs are no longer engaged and it causes an excessive bag in your lower stomach.

Did you know that you would have to do 250,000 sit-ups to burn 1 pound of fat?


Squats are definitely not the best basic exercise to do.

I would focus on planks, side planks, leg lifts, and squats long before you do sit-ups – sit-ups put unnecessary pressure on your neck, especially when you’re doing them from the floor.

Also something you can try during the day is to constantly think about engaging your core and maintaining good posture. This is a good habit to do and it will help you avoid muscle problems in the future.

From my work as a sports masseuse the number of office workers that I have seen with massive back strain and the beck is crazy for being every day sitting in the same position with bad posture. Be mindful of how you are standing and sitting, engage your abs, shoulders back, and stand tall.

Since I’m here, I’ll give you a little more information about our abdominal muscles and how to train them.

Not only do you have 6 abdominal muscles, there are four separate abdominal regions, all of which have different exercises that work them:

1. Upper abs – These can be worked on by performing the basic crunch … as directed, try to stay away from the abs. Toe touch / v-sit is another good exercise to strengthen the upper abs.

2. Lower abs: Hanging leg raises (Roman chair required) are an excellent way to strengthen the lower abs, these can also be performed with a chin-up bar (try to avoid rocking), not recommended for beginners.

3. Obliques – As you would expect, the oblique crunch works your obliques (sides), the difference with a normal crunch is that you bring the elbow to the opposite knee on either side. Remember to do the same exercise on each side!

4. Full Core – Ball crunches work the entire core, making it a great exercise in conjunction with different plank variations.

So there is a bit more information and hopefully it has shed some light on our abdominal region.

If your goal is to have a flat stomach, remember this is what to do:

Eat a clean natural diet
Perform full-body strength training regularly
Get a high intensity cardio workout 2 to 5 times a week.
Do all of those things and add a little of the basic work you have learned today and you are well on your way to a perfectly flat and toned stomach.

Good luck,

Jamie stedman

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