Why should leaders be willing to give CREDIT to others?

Quality, meaningful and effective leadership is not, and should never be, about someone telling others what to do, in the form of, My way or the highway, attitude and mindset! True leaders understand, must, articulate a set of inspiring, motivating, and compelling reasons for others to follow, and this must include avoiding trying to take all the blame. CREDIT, personally, but rather to be, ready, willing and able to proactively share the credit, and thank and obviously appreciate the ideas, participation and efforts of others! After more than four decades of personal and professional involvement in just about everything, engaging, effective leadership, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and mentoring thousands of actual and/or potential leaders, as well as serving, personally, as leader, on several occasions, I strongly believe, and emphasize, the importance, of this kind, of concerted effort and emphasis. With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. character; cooperate; coordinator; clarity; design; to create: Since times evolve, doesn’t it make sense, groups must too, or lose their sustainability and relevance? Truly, great leaders possess the quality of character and ethics to emphasize, cooperate and coordinate others, towards the greater good, articulating a message, with inspiration, clarity, etc.! They must think outside the box, with an open mind, so that they can perceive and conceive of the best options, and proceed accordingly, creating a meaningful, meaningful and strategic plan of action!

two. Important; trustworthy; attain; sensitive; manager: Accountable leaders must articulate a relevant and reliable plan that proactively and strategically reaches out to others! Unless one does, how can one proceed in the most responsible manner?

3. Empathy; emphasis; Excellence; endurance; to enrich: When you effectively listen and learn from every conversation and experience and proceed accordingly, you maximize the possibility of proceeding with genuine empathy! You must put your emphasis accordingly if you want to achieve a high degree of excellence, rather than settling for good enough! Doing so requires significant degrees of stamina and persistence, in order to enrich your organization and stakeholders, for the greater good!

Four. deepen; discover; deliver: True leaders must go beyond – the – surface and the same – old, same – old, and dig deep, to discover the best way forward! Only then will the best laid plans be used effectively and true leadership delivered!

5. Integrity; inspired; innovate; imagination; involve: Only those, with absolute integrity, rather than just selectively, are ready to inspire others! They must have a well-thought-out imagination and be willing to innovate, when necessary, and involve as many stakeholders as possible!

6. truth/trust; prompt; time tested; trends; together: If you want to earn the trust of others, you must earn it by consistently telling the truth! You must proceed, with timely and well considered action, taking into account trends, evolving times and time, experience, knowledge and hopefully wisdom! A true leader realizes and believes that he and the group are in this together!

If you hope to be a leader, will you be ready, willing and able to give, CREDIT, others, for any and all kinds of help and assistance? Are you up to the tasks?

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