Why do so many leaders avoid getting to the heart of the matter?

Anyone paying attention has probably noticed that voters often tend to elect individuals who appeal to their populist interests, luring them in with empty promises and rhetoric, when we would normally be much better served. and represented, if we elect candidates, who were ready, willing and able to proactively address priorities and obstacles, in a relevant, sustainable way, with real and workable solutions, etc. After more than four decades of involvement in almost everything related to leading effectively, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing and mentoring thousands of actual and/or potential leaders, as well as personally. , serving as a leader, on several occasions, I am concerned, so many individuals, who are elected, selected and/or, rise to management positions, avoid reaching the CRUX of the matter, apparently preferring to take some path, of least resistance! With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

one. elections/choose; creative; coordinator; to consider; ability: True leaders must make decisions and be willing to choose the best path forward for their specific group! A true leader must clearly demonstrate her competence and ability, consistently and coordinate efforts, in a relevant, sustainable, timely and time-tested manner! One must be able to think outside the box and consider all viable options, with an open mind! You must be creative enough to expand the self-imposed limitations of your comfort zone to achieve for the greater good!

two. Important; sure; realistic; reasonable; reasoning; branch offices: One must realize that every action, whether taken and/or avoided, has potential ramifications! A true leader must look for relevant ways to create trustworthy leadership, with a positive can-do attitude, while maintaining a down-to-earth mindset! Leading must be reasonable, and one’s reasoning must focus on what is best for one’s group and stakeholders, rather than any personal/political agenda and/or self-interest.

3. Urgent; urgent; usual/unusual; comprehension; Useful: Not all problems are equally significant and/or urgent, so a leader must differentiate between what is most useful and what is insignificant. He must be able to proactively address both the usual and unusual possibilities! How well one communicates and articulates their message, and understanding, in an inspiring and motivating way, is a significant difference between true leaders and the rest of the pack!

Four. X: examine; Excellence; existing; exceptional; Additional features; Expectations; extraordinary: One must carefully examine all aspects with an open mind and the intention to create true excellence rather than merely good enough! One must plan, for existing obstacles, while focusing on expectations and ramifications in the future! You should never settle for being ordinary, but rather demand exceptional planning, strategies and actions, moving forward, so that you can bring the best – extras – to your group.

We need to elect individuals, as leaders, who are willing to proactively reach out to the CRUX of the matter! Are you up to the tasks and responsibilities?

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