Western Art – Modular Constructivism – A structured style of sculpture

Modular Constructivism – The Concept
The history of Western art, dating back more than 5,000 years, has a colorful background. From prehistory to the present generation, Western artists, especially in Europe and Russia, have succeeded in spreading and popularizing their much-loved art form. Considered an invention of 19th century Russian artists, Modular Constructivism, a style of sculpture, emerged during the 1950s and 1960s and gained considerable popularity. This genre of western art gained a new status over other forms of art, such as postmodernism and pop art. Modular constructivism is all about intricate, multi-dimensional designs, complex, flowing curves, and structured patterns, often repetitive in style, that represent the pattern of continuity in life and its myriad forms.

The details
Constructive Paintings portray concrete forms and ideas. They are quite different from the Abstract Fine Art shapes and paintings. Constructivism rather conveys the mechanized side of everyday human life. It is mainly related to the active creation of our knowledge, experience and understanding. The convex and concave aspects of biomorphic forms that facilitate self-combination are the vital elements of this art form. The fundamental applies to flat and multidimensional surfaces, both. Flavored with formalism and minimalism, modular constructivism emerged as a fundamental pillar of sculpture. Modular constructivist works can be made on any material, cement, brass, steel or plaster.

Artists and works of art
American sculptors Norman Carlberg (1924) and Erwin Hauer (1926) were renowned artists who popularized Modular Constructivism during the 19th century. They are even called the parents of the genus. Many genuine and priceless art creations by famous Russian proponents of modular constructivism such as Vladimir Tatlin (1885-1953) and Alexander Rodcheckno (1891-1956) can be seen in art museums around the world. Erwin Hauer’s ‘Light Diffusing Wall Design’, is an intricate design creation at Liesing Vienna in Austria. Erwin Hauer’s enthusiastic works encouraged many of his students and colleagues towards the new trend of Modular Constructivism. Norman Carlberg’s key works in the genre include a modular screen in the lobby of the Baltimore City Hospital and a massive modular column at Northern Parkway Junior High School.

As Erwin Hauer put it, “Continuity and infinite potential have been at the very core of my sculpture from the beginning,” Norman uttered, “you analyzed, you looked at something, but you looked at it formally only for what it was and the message.” he was almost always out of his mind.” Modular Constructivism theory is based on the realistic features of observatory powers and scientific studies. However, this unique art form also had its share of controversies and disputes.

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