Teach a dog to come when called

Teaching a puppy to come when called is one of the easiest commands to teach. Puppies are, well, puppies. They are young and curious, and they would like to see, smell and taste the whole world, today. Their curiosity and playfulness can lead them into danger, which is why it is very, VERY important to teach a dog to “come.”

The first thing to do is make a couple of rules for yourself. DO NOT call the puppy to “come” when he has transgressed (he lost the newspaper, chewed on a favorite shoe, etc.). The puppy should NOT associate the word “come” with punishment. DO NOT call the puppy to “come” when he is about to end his fun by putting him in his crate. In negative circumstances, you should go to the puppy and not ask him to come to you.

A puppy that comes when called should be a “rewarding experience,” literally. Start by taking just two or three steps away from your puppy, then call your puppy’s name and say “come.” Use an authoritative voice, but a soft tone. When he approaches you, give him a small treat. Repeat this exercise several times a day, gradually increasing the distance you walk away from the puppy. The idea is to get the little puppy’s brain to associate the use of his name and the word “come” with something good happening. Most of the time, this method will be all that is needed. But sometimes the puppies can get so distracted that they won’t respond to your command to come.

When you’re training a particularly stubborn and stubborn puppy, you’ll need to use a collar (NOT A BRAND NEW COLLAR!) and a leash. Say the puppy’s name followed by the word “come,” and then gently but firmly pull the puppy toward you. Give him a gift. Repeat this exercise every day and several times a day.

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