Staying healthy on vacation

The holiday season is here again. With that comes preparation for holiday gatherings and dinners, and fun with friends and family. But what are we doing to prepare for the season? With the holidays, food, drink and holiday shopping comes increased stress and the dreaded cold and flu season. It is now more important than ever to take steps to stay healthy during the holiday season so that we can enter every event feeling great.

Acupuncture, herbal and nutritional therapy, and lifestyle modification are sure to keep you healthy and happy. Specific acupuncture points powerfully strengthen the immune system, or Wei Qi, and balance the body as a whole, so we have a much better chance of fighting off germs and the effects of stress when they attack our body. Everyone can get great benefits from a series of weekly treatments. Because acupuncture treats the body as a whole, and not just the symptom of disease, it’s a great way to combat a long list of problems most of us will face from time to time, including fatigue, stress, trouble sleeping, as well as an upset stomach from too much eggnog. Yu Ping Feng San is a very popular Chinese herbal formula that stimulates the immune system, protecting the body from pathogenic factors. Literally translated, it means “Jade Screen” and forms a shield against bacteria and viruses. It is widely used for cold and flu prevention as well as allergy recovery.

Another powerful immune-boosting nutrient is vitamin D. It can help prevent colds and flu. Vitamin D deficiency is a major factor in at least 17 types of cancer, as well as depression, stroke, heart disease, and more. The best way to increase the body’s stores of vitamin D is through exposure to natural sunlight. Even in the “Sunshine State” we are seeing increased D deficiency due to the use of sunscreens and lack of outdoor activity. Thirty minutes of sun exposure per day, without sunscreen, will help protect against deficiency. If you choose to supplement, it is very important that you use vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol, and that you do so under the care of a healthcare professional. Cod liver oil is another great source of vitamin D.

It is important to start preventative measures early, as herbal and acupuncture treatments usually take around a month to strengthen the immune system. Always consult a licensed physician to determine the treatment plan that best suits your needs.

Basic tips for staying healthy during the holiday season, or any season for that matter, include:

1. Get enough sleep: Quality sleep between 10 pm and 2 am is more regenerative for the adrenal glands, which control a large part of the body’s hormonal system. Too much stress hormone will decrease immune function.

2. Exercise: A natural reliever for stress and pain. It also stimulates the immune system. We were not created to be sedentary! For those with physical restrictions, Qi Gong or “breathing practice” powerfully moves qi and blood in the body and can be done with minimal physical movement. Yoga is another great option.

3. Eat healthy foods: What we feed our bodies determines how well they will work. Reduce or eliminate processed foods and sugars. Sugar lowers immune function and puts additional stress on the entire body. Eat whole foods and choose organic when possible. Shopping the perimeter of the grocery store works!

4. Feed your mind and spirit: What we feed our mind and spirit determines how healthy we will be. Immersing ourselves in negative thoughts and surroundings will only promote a bleak outlook on life. Our emotions and thoughts have a great impact on the chemical reactions that take place in our body. Choose peace, gratitude, compassion, faith and hope, and give it to everyone you come in contact with.

I wish you a very healthy and happy holiday season!

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