Shar Pei: an independent personality

The Shar Pei dog, originally from China, has the unique characteristics of deep wrinkles and a bluish black tongue. When the dog is very young, it has more wrinkles than an adult Shar Pei. There was a time when Time magazine and the Guinness Book of World Records identified the Shar Pei as one of the rarest dog breeds in the world. Although many people report the good health of their pet Shar Pei, the fact is that the Shar Pei is significantly vulnerable to certain health ailments, such as painful eye conditions, allergy-induced skin complications, fever, kidney or liver disease.

Chinese Shar Pei dogs were originally bred for dog fighting in China. They have a very pleasant and protective personality, while being truly loving and loyal to the family. However, these dogs are somewhat suspicious of outsiders and often take time to become comfortable visitors. Even people with very outgoing personalities must make a real effort to have a good relationship with you. However, the Shar Pei has a penchant for protecting its family and goes to great lengths to protect family members from any undesirable occurrences.

The personality of the Shar Pei must be taken into account. If breeders don’t take sufficient care of themselves in this regard, buyers can end up with great frustration at having such a bad puppy for the family. Breeders are solely responsible for analyzing and evaluating the personality of Shar Pei dogs during the breeding time, as it must be done with sufficient experience and understanding. Even the owner’s personality should be aligned with the Shar Pei personality. Shar Pei is not a suitable dog for soft and cuddly people.

Dominant, submissive, and independent are three distinctive personality types. In some cases, these personality types may overlap in some dogs, although it is not a common occurrence. A Shar Pei with a dominant personality reveals a confident and macho pet, best suited to the individual dog owner with a tough personality and an avid aptitude for learning to handle dogs. Dominant Shar Pei dogs can harm children and even adults while displaying their dominant attitude.

The submissive Shar Pei dog may appear to obey more easily. However, they are actually difficult to train due to their lack of self-confidence and reluctance to try new things. This type of dog is a better choice for a multi-dog atmosphere. These types of dogs can become violent out of fear or as a protective response, so continued socialization is vital for them. The independent Shar Pei dog is probably the most difficult breed to handle. Although the Shar Pei with the other two personalities shows independent behavior, this particular type never values ​​the authorization of its owner or any human relationship.

Shar Pei dogs are sometimes difficult to train due to their stubborn attitude. Its formation requires more determination and commitment. Although they have a strong and deterministic personality mixed with devotion and intelligence, they sometimes become aggressive, defensive, and intensely sensitive in the presence of a stranger. As psychology suggests, personality is significantly influenced by genetic predisposition and since they have a natural genetic makeup of being aggressive, you should consider purchasing the best compatible personality that matches your lifestyle, personality, and expectations.

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