Seven tricks to treat dry skin on the penis

Lifestyle hacks have become ubiquitous in our modern world and often focus on penile health issues. And why not? Men need good advice and strategies to keep this important part of the body in good working order. One of the problems many men face is dry penile skin, which can be itchy and unattractive. With that in mind, this article offers some tricks designed to address this all-too-common condition.


That men sometimes have dry penile skin is not really surprising. After all, dry skin can occur anywhere on the body. And since the skin on the penis is especially delicate, it is more susceptible to factors that can cause dry skin. For example, excessive sweating can often make the skin dry. This may seem paradoxical or counterintuitive, but when a person sweats, the oils that help keep the skin hydrated are depleted.

So what are some simple tricks to remember to combat dry penile skin?

– Stay away from hot water. A nice hot shower is supposed to be really good for a person, especially when their muscles are sore and sore. But when the shower water is too hot, it can damage the skin. So if a man takes a long shower with water that is too hot, the oils needed by the skin on the penis can be diminished. This can also happen when you spend too much time in a hot tub. Be sure to moisturize the penis after any of these situations.

– Also avoid hard water. Hard water is water that contains a high concentration of minerals such as zinc and magnesium. Minerals are good, but they are often found in such high amounts in hard water that they can clog glands and pores, contributing to dry penile skin. Using creams with vitamins A and C can help remove excess minerals and help prevent dry skin damage.

– Keep the soap mild. Many soaps contain additional chemicals or fragrances that sound good on paper but can actively dry out penile skin. If a guy needs to use a strong deodorant soap for his armpits, he should still have a milder soap on hand for his penis.

– Find a good level of humidity. Too much moisture creates excess sedation, which can deplete body oils. But too dry air can evaporate moisture from the skin. Often in summer, air conditioning can make the air too dry, so be aware of this possibility and watch your temperature settings.

– Swim in moderation. Swimming is great exercise, but prolonged time in a chlorinated pool or salty ocean water can lead to substantial dry skin problems on the penis. Try to spend only a moderate amount of time in the water. Those who prefer to extend their time should be prepared to hydrate afterwards.

– Control blood sugar. People with diabetes are prone to dry skin, even on the penis, due to high blood sugar levels. It’s important to work to control and maintain blood sugar levels, and not just for the sake of the penile skin.

– Use a penis health cream. One of the best tricks to combat dry skin on the penis is the daily application of a premium penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for skin.). Not all creams are created equal, so definitely look for a cream that includes a high-end emollient (like shea butter) and a natural moisturizing agent (like vitamin E). As mentioned above, vitamins A and C can be helpful in combating problems caused by hard water, and a good penis health cream should incorporate both vitamins. Finally, one with alpha lipoic acid helps protect against oxidative stress that can contribute to dry penile skin.

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