Money and the law of attraction – Does it work?

If you’re having trouble attracting money into your life, you’re not alone. Many people do. In fact, most people have a certain obsession with money and therefore have trouble attracting and keeping it.

There are so many negative and self-sabotaging beliefs around money in our society. If you grew up before the 1980s…before this whole ‘law of attraction’ thing hit the scene, you’re much more likely to have money problems. There were few independent business owners and even fewer people working from home. The riches available only on the Internet are staggering, but were not known just a decade or two ago. Most of us were 9-5 people and there weren’t many good alternatives for us. Now we know better.

The Law of Attraction

I have read about it law of attraction ‘ad nausea’ for the last twenty years, and he faithfully practiced it. It took me a while to get it, because for one thing, you never get the whole story. You are told to focus on what you want, but not to become attached to the outcome. Or focus on what you want and sit back and wait and if you just believe It will happen. Isn’t it as easy as that? Especially when it comes to money.

Now I’m assuming you’re familiar with the law of attraction, since it gets so much attention on the web, especially since ‘the secret’ movie hit the scene, a few years ago. Be clear about this… the law of attraction is always operating. He’s always at work, believe it or not. Sometimes I wish it wasn’t…but it is. So you can work for or against it, but know that this universal law works 24/7! In fact, it always was… we just didn’t know.

conflicts around money

There were a handful of exceptional people who did: mystics, scholars, and successful entrepreneurs like Andrew Carnegie. He was the benefactor of Napoleon Hill, author of the renowned book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ several decades ago. The ‘law of attraction’ is the basis of the fundamentals of this book. More on this in a future article.

When you fail to attract money or anything else, even when you think you desperately want it, there is a conflict going on. When you try to attract love, abundance, wealth, success and it doesn’t happen, it is this conflict that gets in the way, but on an unconscious level.

What is this conflict about? These are almost always buried beliefs…beliefs that are formed in childhood and are based on experiences and influences from parents, teachers, family environment, etc. They are almost always wrong and therefore contribute to self-sabotaging behavior, which makes it impossible for you to attract the things you want, including money.

change of beliefs

Although these beliefs may be wrong and are not serving you at all, they are very difficult to dislodge. How do you know if you are being held back by unhealthy beliefs? Look at the results you are getting. How much money do you have in the bank? How difficult or easy is it to attract money into your life?

If you are going to be successful in attracting money, you must change your beliefs. You have to change your ‘money model’. In the next article, ‘Money: How to Attract It’, we’ll talk about that. For now you can start with a small inventory of your beliefs around money. Does the very idea produce a knot in your stomach? What did the influential people in your life teach you about money…when you were an impressionable kid?

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