MLM Strategy: Exponential Growth

Harness the power of a team, BEFORE you’ve recruited a single person.

So, at this point in this article series, you’ve understood the 3 simple steps to making money in MLM, started generating traffic through the 3-step traffic technique, and learned how to close the sale. Now, most of you will want to be successful FAST, and the good news is that it’s actually easier to build fast than slow.

Building fast isn’t necessarily about doing MORE work, it’s about what you’re doing with the work you’ve already done! This is where you can use the power of a TEAM to leverage your efforts and get more results for exactly the same amount of work.

What the hell do I mean?

Well, let’s start by looking at my first experience in Network Marketing. He was part of a large personal development company that marketed expensive products. I had a great relationship with my sponsor and am still good friends with him and his wife today. He was successful in business and had built a great team of people who used to get together for team calls etc. Now, the downside of this team was that we were more COMPETITORS than PARTNERS.

We were all trying to use the same 3-line ads to market the same company, and while the team supported each other, there was very little collaboration between people.

The times I got the MOST leads at that company was every time I was able to get into an ad co-op, say for a job site. About 5 different people would pool the money and then we would analyze the leads between the five of us in a fair way. The reason it worked so well was LEVERAGE. We were able to get more out of our money by pooling it with others to place a national job ad instead of the smaller, more affordable ads. This is because the results for the expensive ad were EXPONENTIAL compared to the cheaper ads.

Ok, so obviously I don’t recommend putting up job ads or even paid ads advertising your company because potential customers are usually shit, and you’re much better off following a system to increase your online presence…

BUT I absolutely advocate LEVERAGING your business and growing your online presence at an exponential rate using the power of combining your work with other people’s.

I promise I’m getting to HOW… but let’s see WHY this works.

Remember from the 3 Step Traffic article that the principles that drive massive traffic are really just getting powerful backlinks to your website. Now Google isn’t just looking at how many backlinks your article is getting, but how many backlinks ALL articles on a site are getting. If everyone is on a similar topic (or a big niche), it will be faster and MUCH easier to rank your articles in Google, as Google will see you as an authority on this topic. This is why this strategy takes a while to get off the ground, but can generate massive traffic after a bit of effort.

You can increase your efforts now by placing your articles on a team site with other people who are going to use the same strategy and have everyone backlink to the articles on the team site. You’ll still generate your own leads because your articles will still feature your links to a company presentation or any other site you want people to visit.

Case study:

My team got together and decided to use this EXACT technique and nothing else to drive traffic to our team website and our company personals. At the time of writing this article, we have been employing this technique for 5 days. These are some of our results:

– Our daily ranking went from 80,000 most popular website online to less than 10,000 today! That’s more popular than most MLM companies! In just 5 days.

-As a team, we created over 250 blog posts in the last 5 days.

-We had 1,347 people watch our entire Facebook presentation

-Several people have made their FIRST recruitments and sales in the company!

That is a TRUE demonstration of what can happen when people work TOGETHER instead of COMPETING!

How do you take advantage of a team when you haven’t recruited anyone yet?

You may not have a downline yet, but you do have an upline! You’re already part of someone’s team, you simply need to find other people who are interested in successfully marketing their business and set up a blog or co-op so you can encourage each other and help each other grow.

It can be difficult to convince others to have the same passion and dedication as you, and remember that for every ONE person who joins you in this effort, the results increase EXPONENTIALLY. Therefore, you should incorporate as many people as possible.

The best and fastest way to get ahead and make money in this industry FAST is to join a team that is already doing this technique and already has a page that ranks!

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