Marker rings have meaning today

The word “seal” is derived from the Latin word “signum,” which means “sign.” Since the beginning of writing, personal seals or signs have been placed on documents to identify the writer and ensure authenticity. Worn by the nobility, a signet ring was carved from a semi-precious stone such as agate, or etched into metal using the intaglio method to create a reverse image of the desired image. Some signet rings were cast in metal, but they were inferior and not as detailed.

The nobleman would press his ring into a blob of wax to seal a document, or even press his ring into paper to create a relief, much like a notary public does today. Typically, the image on the ring was a coat of arms, a zodiac sign, or an image that matched the wearer’s personality, such as a lion.

In Europe, the rings were commissioned by the nobility and created by artists. Thus, they were works of art, often made of gold and prized for both their beauty and their material value. Sometimes they were even embellished with designs and calligraphy on the side to add to the look. The rings were guarded and treasured by the owner, and were passed down to successive generations in the same way that a crown is passed down to a prince or princess. They were a symbol of authority and power, indicating that the owner had the right to bear arms (the crest or shield) in medieval Europe. The pope’s ring was kissed to honor the supreme authority of the office, and when a pope died, his ring was destroyed to symbolize clearing the way for a new pope.

Even today, much lore surrounds the signet ring. Depending on the country, nobles wear the ring as a symbolic gesture on a given finger and hand. French, German and some Spanish nobles wear it on the ring finger of their left hand. The Swiss wear markers on their right hand and the UK nobles wear them on the little finger of their left hand. Of course, it is used with the impression facing out to allow the user to rotate their hand and press it into the wax.

In ancient times, a ring marker was a way of doing daily business and was needed to authenticate and protect documents when the only way to transfer them was through the post office. Although many European noble families still have rings, they are not worn much today except on very formal traditional occasions.

Signet rings have carried on the tradition of school rings, often with the symbols or crest of the school set on a stone set in a gold ring. The graduation year is often incorporated into the side decoration, and while not used as a sealing device, it indicates a membership in the school or as a memento.

Signet or class rings continue to be a popular item to commemorate high school graduation. Each fall, when the ring salesman shows up at the school to take orders, students are excited to choose their personalized piece of jewelry to keep memories of this important time in their lives.

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