Inspiration for craft projects: keep a creativity journal and generate new craft ideas

Making craft projects is a popular hobby for many reasons: relaxation, self-fulfillment, homemade gifts, earning extra money, or simply as a way to honor creativity. Even veteran crafters sometimes lose enthusiasm or inspiration regarding their projects, perhaps putting away their craft supplies for a while.

If your craft ideas seem to have taken a vacation, there are steps you can take to prime the creative bombshell and get your crafty mojo back. A creativity journal is great inspiration.

What is a creativity journal?

A creativity journal is a great way to keep your brain primed for creativity. Like any habit, constantly focusing on seeing things in a creative way, on new ideas and new ways of looking at old things, and on noticing your surroundings will enliven your craft projects.

Use it not only for jotting down ideas, but also for doodling, drawing, and coloring. Do you think you don’t know how to draw? This journal is just for you. No one else needs to see it. Challenge yourself to draw something you see, and while it won’t be perfect, your brain will remember it in great detail later on. Drawing literally imprints the subject on your mind.

Start your creativity journal

The first step is to find a journal or notebook to record your ideas. It can be as simple or as fancy as you like, from spiral notebooks to artist’s Moleskins, but keep in mind that an expensive notebook with fancy paper makes some people “freeze up.” This is related to the fear of spoiling something so beautiful, although the truth is that there are no mistakes with creativity.

Then, put your name, date, and title of your creativity journal on the first page. Keep the title simple, quirky, funny, philosophical, but don’t worry too much. Some examples: Unleashed creativity; Melody’s reflections; all the things in my brain; Knock Knock who’s there; or just Nancy’s Creativity Journal.

Make an inspiration list

The first entry in your creativity journal is simple: make an inspiration list. Quickly write down all the reasons why you love doing craft projects. Make it as long as you can and don’t edit it yourself.

sample list

  • I love to create
  • Making scrapbooks documenting my family makes me feel good and helps me remember all the little moments.
  • Knitting sweaters and scarves is relaxing
  • Learning a new trade is rewarding and fun
  • Making handmade gifts for others is rewarding and makes me happy.

Use your creativity journal consistently

This step can be a bit tricky. You don’t want to be so regimented in using your creativity journal that it starts to feel like a chore. You also don’t want to use it so little that you forget about it and your purpose is not served.

You need to find a way to incorporate your journal into your routine. For me, this means I keep it by my bed and write, doodle, draw and even color before I go to sleep. I also carry it with me in my bag, along with some colored pens, and make entries in it when I wait in line.

If you don’t want to take it with you, choose the things you see throughout the day that inspire you and add them to your journal when you’re home. Souvenirs like ticket stubs, paint chips from the hardware store, colorful magazine ads, found items like bottle caps.

Once you’ve added your items, write notes next to them about where you found them, what inspires you about them, or every unique way you can think of to create a craft out of them.

check your diary

Depending on how often you use your journal, review it from time to time. If you use it every week, check your entries at least once a month. You will be surprised at the topics you see and the ideas that come to mind.

You are your own inspiration. Use your creativity journal to brainstorm ideas for your craft projects. Anytime you feel the need for a creative boost, just check your journal.

Copyright 2010 Melody Jones

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