How To Start Your Own Digital Photography Business – Without Selling Photos!

do this describe you? You are a ‘super passionate’ about photography and there is nothing you love more than meeting a easy way to break into the digital photography business and pocket some nice “side income” in the photography niche…

Well, if you keep reading, this article will show you exactly how you CAN do this, without having to sell a single photo yourself!

And as you know, it’s an uphill battle for some of us to make an income from selling photos. Especially if you’re just starting out, haven’t built a strong portfolio yet, or are still learning the ropes of ‘digital photography’.

But with this technique you can still jump headlong into the photography niche, make new friends, learn everything about digital photography… without having to be an amazing photographer, have any kind of photographic equipment or climb the nearest mountain to get lots of great shots!

If you’re wondering what it is, let me explain.

The technique is quite simple, but like all things, it takes work and you will have to put in some effort to achieve it. Simply put, it finds other photographers who have a strong interest in selling their images, and then recommends a particular solution (which will hopefully help them).

Okay, so… where would you find photographers? Well, let’s see… photo forums and photo groups for starters. There are a lot of them around… Photography clubs, photography websites, eBay photography sellers, etc. (Where to do you hang out online?) Do a quick search for ‘group photos’ and you’ll see hundreds… 🙂

Now, about that ‘particular’ solution we were talking about… Yes, it is an information product. (We’ll use an eBook here as an example.) And without going too deep into the benefits of ‘infoproducts’ for reasons of space, just understand that they are an immediate solution to the ‘problem’ or challenge facing the photographer…

And this is precisely what makes them such an attractive proposition. The photographer can quickly purchase, download the eBook and literally read it (and act on it) in a matter of minutes…

Of course, this is all great for the photographer involved, but how does this help you?

You, being the ‘reference’ of the infoproduct, pocket a commission for each sale. (In most cases around 40-70% per sale). But it gets even better. In some cases, the information product creator will even allow you to earn 100% of every sale you make! That’s pretty exciting when you think about it…

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