How to make the perfect cappuccino with your Nespresso machine

Many times we think that we cannot make an authentic Italian cappuccino at home. We have to go to a cafe or buy an expensive machine and take a barista course in coffee preparation. But did you know that you can make a great cappuccino at home with nothing more than your Nespresso coffee machine?

Well, your Nespresso coffee machine and great coffee. If you’re looking for Italian Nespresso capsules, you can’t miss Gimoka. Pioneered in the bars and cafes of Italy over 50 years ago, Gimoka has recently started supplying the Italian home drinker with its Nespresso compatible capsules.

Made on-site at the family’s Lake Como coffee roaster, Gimoka’s coffee pods are expertly blended from the best environmentally and economically Fair Trade beans sourced from around the world. They are packed in heat-sealed capsules, so they won’t lose their flavor even weeks after opening, which means you can enjoy an authentic Italian espresso without leaving your kitchen. The pods are also fully recyclable and organic, so your conscience is clear too!

Armed with your Nespresso coffee machine, milk, and some Nespresso-compatible capsules, you’re ready to make a truly amazing Italian cappuccino.

The first step is to heat the milk. If you have a brother at home, you can use that. If not, simply heat the milk in the microwave or on the stove and then blend in a blender or with a hand mixer until frothy. It should only take a minute. Stir and set aside.

The second step is to make your Italian espresso. Always heat your cup of coffee with a little boiling water before brewing. Otherwise, your coffee will get cold before you can take your first sip. Take a Nespresso compatible Italian capsule. We love Gimoka’s Intenso blend for our cappuccino. It’s sweet and strong in flavor, so you don’t have to add sugar or worry about milk flooding your coffee.

Turn on your Nespresso machine and let it heat up. You never want to make an espresso with a cold machine. By doing that, the coffee doesn’t brew properly and you end up with weak and unpleasant coffee. So once your Nespresso coffee machine has warmed up, grab your capsule and start brewing. As the coffee pours, tilt the glass slightly to ensure that the coffee runs down the sides of the cup.

Lastly, add your milk and cover with some of the milk foam. A dusting of powdered chocolate is also great.

And that is. The perfect Italian cappuccino with nothing more than your Nespresso coffee machine and some gorgeous Italian Nespresso capsules. Enjoy!

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