Dukan Diet And Constipation 5 Different Ways To Deal With This Nasty Side Effect

Some people new to the Dukan diet find themselves experiencing the discomfort of constipation and digestive problems. In most cases, this situation is a temporary and normal reaction of the body to adapt to new foods and a different diet. Due to the fact that the Dukan diet is high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates, people on the diet often report needing to go to the bathroom less frequently. This decrease in frequency and need can be misinterpreted as constipation. Someone who used to go at a certain time of day may find that their routine is interrupted not by constipation but simply by a lack of waste products that need to be removed. If this is the case, then there is no problem to solve. Of course, genuine constipation is uncomfortable and unpleasant and must be resolved quickly.

In this article, I will discuss 5 ways to deal with constipation on the Dukan diet.

1. Eat your oat bran every day

The first thing to do is make sure you are eating the recommended amount of oat bran every day. You can eat your oat bran plain in a porridge (flavored with cinnamon and vanilla for a delicious everyday treat) or add it to other foods, like a filling for burgers.

If you are eating enough oat bran but still experiencing constipation, you can increase the amount you eat each day until your digestive system returns to normal.

2. Try adding some wheat bran to your diet

Another option, suggested by Dr. Dukan in the official book, is to add a tablespoon of wheat bran to your diet every day you have problems.

3. You should drink a lot of water

A third thing you can do is make sure you drink enough water every day. Lack of water in your system can cause constipation. Make sure you drink the recommended minimum of two liters of water a day. Even if you don’t have digestive transport problems, you should drink this amount of water every day, whether or not you are on the Dukan diet.

4. You can eat some plums if it helps

A fourth option is to eat a small amount of fruit, such as plums, until your movements return to normal. Yes, fruit is not allowed during the Dukan diet, but there is no point in suffering unnecessarily, you can eat some plums if it helps to clear up digestive problems.

5. Ask your pharmacist for help

Finally, if you really suffer from constipation, you can buy some over-the-counter remedies at your local pharmacist. Obviously, you don’t want to find yourself abusing things like laxatives and suppositories, but a small dose simply to treat an urgent problem is perfectly acceptable.

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