Lifestyle Fashion

Review of the book “Sinus Relief Now” by Dr. Jordan Josephson – Part 2

4. In terms of surgery, Dr. Josephson pioneered the procedure called FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery) that is now considered state-of-the-art. This procedure uses an endoscope both for diagnosis and during the surgical procedure. This gives the surgeon an excellent view of the area being worked on and therefore there is less bleeding, more precision,…

Lifestyle Fashion

The Alzheimer’s Myth: A Review

Is Alzheimer’s disease just a myth and the resulting brain degeneration caused by aging and affected by conditions and lifestyle choices? That’s a question posed by neurology, geriatrics, dementia, and cognitive science expert Peter J. Whitehouse, MD, Ph.d. in his book, The Alzheimer’s myth. This groundbreaking book asks the questions that many early-diagnosed patients and…

Lifestyle Fashion

Food allergies are curable

Allergic reactions have intensified in recent years, especially among children. When curing allergies, it is essential to understand their causes. There are many known factors that lead to recurrent allergic reactions, such as underlying infections, genetic predisposition, emotional trauma, a weak immune system, a fungal infection, and parasites. Allergies can be of different types. Environmental…

Lifestyle Fashion

Do Reliv Products Really Work?

Doctors often treat the symptoms of our ailments without treating the cause. I have had significant health benefits as a result of using Reliv products for the past 3 years. The human body is an extraordinary organism that can heal itself with proper nutrition. A compelling testimonial came from a friend of mine who used…