Sinus Infection Symptoms: Do you want to know why your sinus infection keeps coming back?

Do you suffer from chronic or recurring sinus infections? If so, I know how you feel. Actually. I’ve had the same problem for as long as I can remember.

Even when I was a little kid my head hurt all the time, but I really didn’t know why until I went swimming at a friend’s house.

All the kids were trying to collect nickels that my friend Dad was throwing into the pool for us, kind of a game. But I couldn’t play. I couldn’t dive to the bottom of the pool without a crushing pain in my forehead.

My friend’s dad noticed the look on my face and when he handed me a couple of quarters, he said. You will never be a child diver, you have serious sinus problems.

I had already started planning my life around my sinus symptoms! And Mom regularly took me to the doctor for medicine (antibiotics) and advice. But back then no one knew anything about sinus infections or sinusitis. The sinus (ear, nose and throat) doctor told my mother that I would “disappear” for almost 20 years!

We know a bit more now, so let’s take a look at:

  • What are the main causes of the misery of sinus infection?
  • Why will the treatment plan (antibiotics) that most people follow never fix the problem? I’ll give you a hint … You have to deal with the problem.
  • Why your sinus infection and symptoms keep coming back when you’ve probably taken enough antibiotics to kill the anthrax!

Here we go!

According to the good folks at the Mayo Clinic, the leading cause of 95% or more of all sinus infections is fungi. That’s it, mushrooms. You know, like yeast, mold, athlete’s foot, jock itch, etc.

If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Your sinuses remain dark, moist, and warm, the perfect environment for mold to grow. There is a fungus among us and it lives in your head! This is what is happening: You are a carrier of a yeast infection all the time and KEEP your internal nasal passages irritated. Therefore, you are much more likely to get sick than people who have healthy “fungus-free” nasal passages.

Antibiotics: why they are part of the problem:

  • Because antibiotics don’t treat the problem! The problem is the yeast infection – the other infections (the ones that you keep treating with antibiotics) that you keep getting are really just symptoms (or side effects) of the yeast infection of the sinuses that you live with all the time.
  • And to make matters worse, the antibiotic medicine you keep taking is killing your body’s natural defenses – the good bacteria. And it’s the good bacteria that prevent bad bacteria from taking over.

Let’s summarize:

  1. You (more than 95 percent chance) have a sinus yeast infection.
  2. The antibiotics are actually making it worse.
  3. It keeps coming back because the antibiotics don’t kill the fungi, they kill the bacteria. Good and bad bacteria. And when it kills the good bacteria, anything that’s ready can come in and establish itself!
  4. You need to find a way to restore balance to your body so you can get off the merry-go-round of sinus infection!

This is what I recommend:

  • Find a good natural program to get your body back in condition to take care of itself by fighting the yeast infection that is the real cause of your illness.
  • Follow that good natural program even when you feel fine, so you don’t find yourself here again.

If you want to see the program that helped me, here is the link:

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