Home Kitchen

Coverage for when your basement floods

Mother Nature has just unleashed her fury on your home and now your basement is flooded. What’s worse, most insurance doesn’t include flood damage, and yours is no different. How do you ensure that the resulting water damage does not reduce the value of your home? The right restoration team and a few initiatives on…

Home Kitchen

Coney sauce recipe for hot dogs

Although it was previously an island, Coney Island is a peninsula located in southern Brooklyn, New York. Famous for its beach on the Atlantic, Coney Island was once home to a major tourist center. It was also well known for its amusement parks, with the area reaching its zenith of popularity in the early 1900s….

Home Kitchen

How to choose kitchen faucets

Of all the fixtures and appliances, the kitchen tap is probably the one we use the most. According to faucet manufacturer KWC, the average family uses the kitchen faucet more than 40 times a day. Whether it’s washing hands, rinsing dishes, filling a pasta pot, or washing vegetables, the kitchen faucet gets a workout every…