Book Review: Bound By My Choices: How One Death Nearly Broke Me, But The Navy Saved Me

This illustrated memoir is a modern day fairy tale about how a troubled child managed to overcome the many obstacles that came his way and how he continues to do so as an adult. Keshawn A. Spence claims that he is subject to his choices, but as his story unfolds, the opposite message seems to emerge, one of freedom and possibility.

“Bound by My Choices” has its roots mainly in the author’s childhood, focusing on the influence of external factors on his life. The book opens with a series of photographs that immortalize some of the most important events throughout his life, but also some that are precious precisely because they reflect the nudity of real life. Thus, from the beginning, the author’s intention to create an intimate bond with the reader on his journey of self-discovery is quite clear. The evolution of the relationship between the author and the reader throughout the book will only make the reading more personal and memorable.

A very special part is dedicated to his large family, as each member contributed significantly to shaping his personality. Keshawn A. Spence cordially invites the reader into his family circle and reveals personal stories about those who had the greatest impact on his life. This proof of trust on his part and the implied agreement of confidentiality on the part of the reader creates a strong bond between the two.

As the pages of the events of his life continue to turn, he ends up finding a much coveted stability in the navy. What he started out as a way to prove a point (as someone he respected that he didn’t think would be Navy material) ended up becoming a way of life. Only a small part of this book is devoted to this consistent life chapter, the meat of the experience is promised to follow. However, a stark contrast becomes blatantly obvious between the features of Keshawn A. Spence’s childhood environment and those of the Navy, which only makes her journey all the more intriguing.

The main message of the book is that we should not allow our environment to shape us; we can fight against a seemingly predetermined path and choose our own. However, as Keshawn A. Spence warns us, by example, this is not an easy path to walk. His book “Bound by My Choices” is a delightful mix of memoir and motivational book, managing to cross the line between these two genres.

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