Best Hangover Cures: Myths or Genuine?

There are many, many hangover cure remedies that supposedly work, are they just myths or do they really work?

There is the ‘Drink a liter of water before going out and a liter before going to bed’, there are those who say that a good frying the next morning is the best method. Here are some facts to help you make up your mind.

Obviously, the best method is prevention, which is always better than cure! The answer here is simple, don’t drink! Without a doubt, this method is guaranteed to work, but if you know you are going to drink, then it is not really an option.

The next method is to eat a lot before you start drinking. A greasy meal is highly recommended to prevent hangovers. Fatty or non-recommended foods for all meals, of course!

Fatty foods digest at a slower rate, which means they can help keep your stomach lining from being irritated by all that alcohol.

It is highly recommended to avoid beverages that contain large amounts of “congeners”. Drinks that contain high levels are generally the darkest ones such as port, dark rum, brandy, and red wine and are well known for causing the most severe hangover.

Drinking a non-carbonated soda or water between each alcoholic drink is recommended by many, it’s a bit of a myth actually, in effect, you drink less alcohol due to the volumes of soda and basically end up with a minor hangover. However, I think it is a way of ‘fooling yourself’ and not really a true hangover cure. That said, alcohol is known to cause dehydration, which in turn produces that hangover symptom of headaches. Drinking more water will obviously reduce dehydration and therefore hangover headache.

Vitamin C is a great method to encourage your body to speed up metabolism and make your liver work faster to deal with the alcohol in your blood, a good source of vitamin C is freshly squeezed orange juice. Besides increasing your vitamin C levels, eating foods to raise your blood sugar levels is also a very good idea, this will give your body more energy and help you feel better.

Sleeping a lot is a good natural way to cure a hangover, your system is working hard to cleanse your body of alcohol, sometimes it is better to just sleep and let it continue.

Drinking more alcohol in the morning is known to reduce the effect of a hangover, but it actually only postpones the pain, not recommended especially if you can’t put yourself in a situation where you can drink the next day.

In conclusion, natural juices, food, and water are the best ways to prevent or cure a hangover, as well as allowing your body to recover and cleanse itself of alcohol. Obviously, the best idea of ​​all is to simply not drink alcohol, but if that’s not an option, consider preventing a hangover with hangover prevention and natural cure.

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